Expired friend requests convert to followers

As a Roblox developer, it is too hard to sift through the mass amounts of friend requests we receive on a consistent basis. With this in mind, I think Roblox should add a new website feature where expired friend requests become followers instead.


Is the intention that the sender or the receiver has this setting? I don’t think that the receiver of a fr should have the power to make the sender follow them, even if the intention was a friend request. The other way around doesn’t make much sense either. Surely the sender should have just followed the receiver in addition to sending the fr if they wanted.


adding this would make no sense, it seems like all you want to do is farm followers

if the users intention was to follow they would have done so in the first place


Just tell people that you don’t accept friend requests and that they can follow you instead.


I feel like a better solution to this is to add the option to disable friend request all together.


Is this just because you want to farm followers?


Firstly let’s remember that roblox is full of 6-11 year olds who just mindlessly friend everybody in every game they join. Also sounds like you just want to farm followers, lol.


As a Roblox developer, it is too hard to sift through the mass amounts of friend requests we receive on a consistent basis.

Hundreds and thousands to millions of requests get sent everyday. This boosts the count and gets intricate to find someone over time. Maybe someone doesn’t want to follow 791 people all because they forgot about expired requests.

They have raised the block limit, and it could be possible for friends. If you’re looking for someone specific, you can just accept the request via the search bar. Someone who catches your mind should usually be one of the most recent on the first to second pages too.


In this situation - whatever the outcome is, somebody will always be annoyed. It’s really fine right now, no different than any other platform. People are familiar, and you wouldn’t want to confuse incoming waves.

You don’t get too many notifcations on Desktop, and it can be disabled for mobile. They could do this for the notifications tab in the top right, however it would basically make it pointless.


But why? Following the person was always an option. I think you just want to gain more followers…

Well they’ve tried to raise it before. It didn’t go well - took down Roblox for a few days, IIRC.

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You used to be able to have unlimited friends, and still can have unlimited followers/following. I’m no coding expert but it doesn’t make much sense for it to suddenly not work out of nowhere and for no reason.


Well when it comes to followers you really just need to add the user whos following yous name to a table,
with friends on the other hand, you have to account for the data of chats, nicknames, etc.
Thats my guess on why they limited it, as to why it crashed roblox, poorly coded stuff thats why. If you as little as mess one part up everything goes down.

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I just want to know this:

If you were that person giving the friend request, and it was accidental, and you lost the account because you left the game you sent it in, you would be fine with following a random person… moreover, you don’t even get an option, which is just dumb honestly.

I’m not being rude, but this is a useless feature.

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