Exploit able to shutdown server immediately upon connecting, without a character

No, I don’t trust those type of groups even if they claim they’re “Anti-Exploit”, most models on ROBLOX are virus or fake anti exploits anyways. However, you can go to the ROBLOX Unofficial server that’s big, and probably get help from there onward??

I meant the exploit-reports staff group on DevForum, should I submit a ticket there?

Yes, you can try, but I’m not sure it’ll go through?

I’ve contacted a group here on the developer forum that takes in exploits. I’m waiting an answer and I have linked them the post. Shouldn’t take more than a few days or so.


Have you included the Instace.new("Player", game.Players) exploit in your post? If you didn’t I recommend editing it into your message along with the repro steps and information.

Keep us posted!


yes this does work, i am messing around attempting to find a patch for this (not very good when it comes to fixing stuff but i can break stuff :wink: thanks for including me in those screenshots!


It’s a new exploit, tubers93 has already reported it.

How it works is it creates a localplayer before you join the server hence causing the server to crash because it’s confused.


Can’t you just disable client or disable serversided or Localplayer from being created before the server commences?

However, I believe that’s beyond most of our knowledge within coding on ROBLOX Platform.

if it creates a localplayer, wouldnt it do it client-sided? how would that crash the server?


It’s hard to find a patch for something like this, the exploit takes effect before the game detects that the player has even joined the game. When the server detects the new player and attempts to create a new player instance, but it’s already there, the server doesn’t know what to do and ends up crashing. This isn’t something that will be easy to create a patch for, you’ll probably just have to wait for roblox to fix this one.


the client is confused on who is the real player and hence causes the server to crash

Not sure if this is related or not, but I am finding that exploiters could have the ability to do certain actions that are then affecting server side stuff. I have a developer panel for me and my testers, however my testers do not have the ability to change stuff on the server, so all their changes are local to them, for example, if they delete one this, it is only seen by them and them only.

However, I am finding that when they delete an NPC’s head, the relative Humanoid behind it also dies (minus the head disappearing) which is then seen by the server and other players (insta-killing that NPC)

I wouldn’t think that this is possible since the changes are local yet the server is recognising that the head is no longer there and therefore killing said Humanoid. There is no backdoor to killing NPCs that way, and shouldn’t technically happen as the head deletion part is local, but the death of the NPC is server recognised.

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I feel like ROBLOX is gonna have to convert from LUA-U to another base set of coding for the ROBLOX Platform in order to reroute it or something.

I believe this exploit was just made public on an exploit site. Apparently they instance their player before the server which crashes it.

What’s dangerous is that there is little to no way to prevent it (that I know of) because it all happens before the server even knows you’re there.


I thought this was from the Adopt Me! game. Maybe I was wrong.

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I can confirm this is crashing our servers at Koala Cafe. This hurts smaller community games the most.


Nope, not quite. Not sure where you got this from.


This is crashing Pastriez Bakery as well. This is very dangerous to small communities too.


If you guys want to start finding ways to patch the script, look above for my post for the shutdown script that’s bypassing via before the server is even created.