Exploit able to shutdown server immediately upon connecting, without a character

They’re still up somehow…

they do not need to be in the game at all and it cannot be preveneted this works even if they are banned or kicked

Yeah, I was playing my game when it just randomly crashed with an internet error, but literally everyone crashed with the same error.

I went to look around and the exploit was posted like 30-40 minutes ago. It’s literally the most simple thing…

There’s no way to patch it because the exploit happens before the player joining is even detected. By the time you could detect this, the server has already been crashed.


I am going to come up with a temporary patch :smiley:

If I understand what’s going on correctly, you can’t patch this with a script. Roblox needs to patch this from their C++ side.

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I believe you should make a game that teleport instances temporarily lobby then teleports banned or kicked people for exploiting to another game that’s a fake game and keeps rerouting the exploiters to that game.

However, it won’t work.


then teleport(player, id) – dont take this trash coding, its just an example

If you do please send it to me in a private message! I’d be very thankful!

Just to reiterate. This exploit is dangerous because it bypasses any sort of ban / kick system, they don’t even have to load fully into the game

By the time you can teleport the user, it’s going to already be too late.

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they can really bypass that but ok LOL

instead of auto execution just wait till you get tped, attach at the right moment and spam execute

I’ve also tested this by making a script that instantly kicks one of the exploiters doing this from the game, and even though it successfully kicked him the damage was already done and the server still crashed. This exploit is undetectable and needs to indeed be patched on Roblox’s end. I don’t believe there is a remedy or fix for us developers to use.

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since the Player instance really is only added/deleted when the player joins/leaves, roblox should make it non creatable using Instance.New().

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With exploits, you can create any instance.

This is causing our servers to be crashed out and players are not able to join at all. We have anti exploits in place for other issues but this one there is not even a character coming into the game.
In this you can see the player that is crashing the servers



where would I release a patch for this exploit?

Couldn’t you do so here so developers experiencing this issue could use it in the meantime while Roblox works it out?

Post it here I guess… (Character count)

The difference between NonCreatable and Creatable doesn’t matter if Roblox is dealing with exploiters.

There’s no way to patch this on your end, you’ll have to wait for roblox to roll out their fix.

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I cannot confirm this 100% because I ain’t exactly got the solid evidence behind it and I’m not a programmer myself, but I’ve been hearing that admins such as Khols and Adonis could be one of the reasons behind this, and they’re able to put in these “backdoors” from the server from that.

But yeah, this has been occurring quite a lot in the servers that I do moderate in lately, it’s becoming a problem.