Exploit Allowed?

Hello, are using exploits are allowed as long as innocent people was not harmed?, example, auto farming, remote manipulation, etc. Games like Prison Life seems unplayable, but it doesnt harm. Are there some exploit that is allowed or its just no no?, because for me I like to do some stuff but doesnt remove the fun for other players, like scripts manipulation, I want a quick explanation, and I thank you.

I’m not gonna get banned right roblox?


exploiting is definitely not allowed. it is shamed on by lots of users because it gives you an unfair advantage.


i mean, ive used exploits on an exploiter hangout experience on my alt account. that game was made for exploiters, so i guess it’s fine if they allow it


It against Roblox tos what the game say does not matter


it’s good to experiment with them and understand how they work


exploiting is not allowed and is obviously bannable, if you want you can use an alt account but i still wouldn’t recommend it


Exploiting is against Roblox ToS - Cheating and Exploiting – Roblox Support - And will get your account terminated or banned.

If you want to understand how they work, ask someone who has used these exploits before or if you want to test vulnerabilities in your game you can replicate exploiting by:

Playing your game in Studio > Creating a LocalScript anywhere, writing the code and when it’s finished move it to ReplicatedFirst, it will run the code and you won’t be banned.


You can also mimic exploit behaviours by using HD admin command for some of the common stuff like no clip and flying


It depends how you define exploiting, but generally Roblox doesn’t care if you are using something like a macro to auto farm or perform movements in-game as long as you are not injecting any code into the game. For the most part, you will not get banned from Roblox itself unless you are using an executor and injecting code.


It’s obvious isnt it ? did you really think modifying behaviour of somebodies script without their consent would be allowed ?

why would roblox allow people to auto farm in experiences and ruin economy and temper with server… also autofarming ruins game economy so youre still ruining other peoples experience

i would suggest finding something else instead of exploiting

Any form of exploiting = possible risk of ban and if you do get caught you wont be able to devex in future because you violate tos


not only is exploiting corny and overdone, but it is also incredibly bannable, so no, they’re not allowed.


No, it’s not allowed under any context (I wish they allowed it if it was your own game, I’d like to pentest my game like this)


Plsss roblox let me exploit just this once :pleading_face: :pray: I wont make anybody upset plss

Ridiculous question, you’re not allowed to exploit ever.


Don’t be a script kiddie. I’m pretty sure all accounts that exploit eventually get banned. Aren’t they added to the next “ban-wave” or something like that? Rightly so imo.


Ban wave implementation seems not an accurate way to ban users that uses exploits before, it could go wrong, I dont see this Ban Wave thing going to be successful, it could possibly fail just like their real time tem/perm ban system. Btw, first time hearing about it, and yea it wont achieve success.


I’m pretty sure I read that it’s already in effect. Think it happens like once p/month, but yeah it’s not too effective since I still see exploiters. Doesn’t necessarily mean it’s failing. I think it might just be lenient seeing as they obviously wouldn’t want to falsely ban anyone. I could be wrong about the whole thing, as I’m only going on what I’ve read others on this said.


Roblox, can actually easily create a an exploit executor detector, lets say, they should detect each players clients, example mobile delta executor, that delta executor gui was inside the CoreGui which is not even part or added by the creator of the game, so that delta gui can be considered as unknown that is roaming/inside of player’s client. I just look more about Ban Wave, it seems legit, ngl I dont think some players can live/play roblox without using exploits, just saying.


I don’t really understand why anyone would need them unless they have malicious intentions. If a game requires you to use exploits, then it’s a bad game. It’s cheating, end of story. It’s called exploiting for a reason.


Thats probably a problem on your part. Play the game as it was made. Thats the point of most games.

Simply put, no, its against the TOS, dont do it.

I still wouldnt recommend risking it, chances are you’ll get caught by someone eventually, thus losing all progress in whatever you were doing, so whats the point?


I have seen people banned with their moderation note reading “Exploiting and misusing Roblox systems” because they replicated exploits through Serversided scripts on their own game.

Be careful lad. The Support agents arent as smart as you think they are.