Exploit Prevention Update

Isn’t Electron released?, It works for web version, and hasn’t been detected yet


Because its obfuscated internally by crypt32.dll, believe me it doesnt mean it cannot be cracked yet.

detectron on top!?


detectron on top!! :bangbang: :baby_symbol: :speaking_head: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

ZClientWatcher is really fire :fire:

I know I’m a little late, but I made a module just for this!


A new era now begins, as we thrive upon the ashes of the fallen exploiters.


I love this. From what I’ve seen, there’s still some out there, but with everything going around this, I’m sure it will at least thin out the herd of exploiters and thieves.

I’ve been contemplating being a mobile-only developer for some time because of how mad this stuff drives me, so I’m glad to know serious measures are being taken. I look forward to some fantastic updates stemming from this partnership!

Yes, but it’s mainly kids playing Roblox

Netflix CE just bypassed byfron and Exploiters still continue Ruining their games and Exploiters Decrease ROBLOX popularity.

you’re what happens when you don’t read a single message from any of the replies to this post

bro is that one guy that is chronically on reddit and exploiting platforms

Netflix CE really isn’t a worry considering it utilizes CE which by itself has many detections

So as developers do we no-longer need to worry about exploiters because there aren’t any now? I personally haven’t seen exploiters in months because nobody has any anymore. Does this mean scripting workflow no longer requires safe proofing remotes, functions, globals, and exchanged information now?

Hello Brycki,

Creators should always assume that sufficiently motivated malicious entities will find a way to cheat and should always take utmost care when crafting their experience. For example, whenever possible, put your logic into server-side scripts, keep an eye on statistics and telemetry after publishing, and so on.

Hyperion is an anti-tamper solution that attempts to prevent obvious cases of cheating, such as running executors. However, it is not a magic bullet to prevent all possible cases of exploiting, and implementing a similar solution on other platforms, such as Android, takes time and requires significant effort.

As outlined at our last RDC, we are committed to curbing cheating and exploiting, and Hyperion is under constant development to stay up to date and adapt to new challenges. Furthermore, Roblox keeps a close eye on the exploiter scene and an even closer eye on notable individuals within it. We are currently aware of several executors being developed, and only the future will tell how easy or hard it is to detect and block these attempts, so stay vigilant.


We should start making games meant for hacking :smiling_imp:

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People already did that such as Rune CE and everyone who joined that specific game got logged lol

Great info to know about the exploit community, thanks for sharing. Do you know if Roblox has any plans to attack exploiting from the server side? Not that it can stop all cheating on the Client, but a lot of more blatant cheating such as speed, flying and teleport hacks, a server based anti-cheat makes a pretty unstoppable wall against any Client cheats that could ever exist. My own server based anti-cheat has been unbreakable against any of the Client cheats out there that I’ve been about to test and I think some of that basic, nearly unhackable cheat protection should be merged into some basic server code for developers that to want to use it rather than depending on a script solution like I’m using. Just my thoughts on the subject. :thinking:

The problem with that is each game is unique and has it’s own features which could likely trigger these things, any serverside anticheat isn’t a one size fits all.


I agree, that’s why it should have tunable options and be able to enable and disable by the devs as needed. Right now, it’s done on a rather high level, script based scanning, but if Roblox had it embedded into the server engine with tunable options, it would help eliminate the blatant cheating done in practically all the popular games I see on Roblox such as speed cheating, flying, teleport through solid walls and other things not meant for the player to do in certain games.