Exploit Prevention Update

I think this is good news for creators and players who abide by the rules.

“mr president, they bought out synapse”


V3r does not exists anymore, and the devs aren’t morons. They does not have access to all the code, Roblox said that they work for the anti-cheat. Also, their work is like reviewed etc so Roblox know what they are doing.
The devs of an exploit program are maybe smart people in fact but just made this for fun and money.


Exploiters: “Well, then there is nothing we can do”

If you can’t defeat your enemies, make them your friends. - builderman


Exploiters : “let’s anyway find a way to bypass the anti-cheat”

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no more people flying around like crazy now, thank rolblox



The switch up when they realised they couldnt make money no more is insane :skull:


This was unexpected… to say the least.

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this is the comeback of the century

I am not speaking of one specific hacker, I am speaking of a bunch of bot accounts that use their usernames in reverse as their passwords.

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that website was discontinued 6 months ago stick to building


I mean kinda but not because they used Synapse X (thats assuming that roblox will upgrade their cheat detection even more)

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i agree! god bless the land of the free and home of the brave

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the roblox exploiting community is probably punching air rn :skull:


Who is “we”… Synapse is a company with lawyers too, and it wouldn’t exactly be the slam dunk you think it is in court like it was for Fortnite who sued some 14 year old boy for cheating (and even then, Fortnite gave up on the lawsuit after 3 years).

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yeah. a Company with 1000x less experienced lawyers. You can’t compare a company valued over $40B with a company only valued at like 10k.

EDIT: Also, lawyers wouldn’t help them in the slightest. a Game Company has the right to take legal actions against exploit executors.

Keep in mind that we aren’t talking about a person. We’re talking about an executor.

10K is a huge understatement if you even looked at their Discord buyer list. By that logic, people would be purchasing for PENNIES. You’ve never even seen their lawyers (and I haven’t either), but it feels like “1000x less experienced laywers” is pure speculation from you. Anybody can make a lawsuit for anything in America given you have the money to do so, but that doesn’t mean you’ll win.

An executor is different from a person.