Exploiter Ability Clarification

Just a quick question, can exploiters change variables in module script if they are not declared like this, but this?

Not this way: module.Variable = “sus”
This way: local Variable = “sus”

Could they change the variable from local Variable = “sus” to something else?

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The only way for a hacker to change a variable’s value is if that variable is dependent on a return, so any returned value in a module script yes, or if the variable’s value is tied to something that the client can manipulate like a client side boolValue.

But short answer, no they cannot edit regular variables, they have to be returned and able to be set by the client outside of the script.

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Even if you put a variable inside a table a hacker can’t, unless that table is returned and able to be edited by the client.

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Can they modify local scripts? Nothing is being returned

I have seen some exploits/hackers that have been able to modify scripts (LocalScripts or any ServerScript replicated to the client), and yes they can but I believe Roblox has patched most of those, however I’m unsure.

But usually it’ll be script injection you want to worry about

I’m making an anticheat that makes it hell for an exploiter to try to log and repeat remote events, if you’re wondering the use case.

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