Exploiters crashing my servers, cause unknown

This is a typical core error. You should look into players spamming remotes.

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Update, we are encountering these crashes as we speak. It seems to be a separate method compared to the RightGrip and recently revealed(and patched) Player replication exploit.


Do you have an admin system installed?
I suggest you disable public admin commands for your admin system, as I have confirmation that this has helped for Solera Resorts, Koala Cafe, and multiple other groups.
Clients spamming the clean command can cause server memory to skyrocket, and this could be what is causing these crashes.

There was a script published on an exploiting youtube channel on the 14th. Script and video link below, this is a roblox issue, you cannot kick these fake players or remove them, so we will just have to wait for roblox to fix this.

Instance.new("Player",game.Players) - Yes, this is the script crashing servers. When put in a loop your game is done.

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Recently it was patched super fast by ROBLOX and Iā€™ve been told that crash method no longer works.

The game uses a custom command script. We are already aware are of the :clean spam crash method.

Same thing is happening to my friends club, any solutions?

Thereā€™s no need to remove the entire admin commands if you can just open the admin commands settings and set the clear/clean command to be only available for admins or higher.

Note: I meant public admin commands, not the entire thing.

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Iā€™ll report to this discussion that weā€™re still having this issue.

I still have no idea what this issue is, but it definitly is an exploit script being used.

We had to resort to logging when players joined, detecting players ping to the server, and then if the ping average of ā€˜modeā€™ goes over 10 seconds, to start kicking the last players who joined with a ā€˜please rejoin messageā€™.

After finally patching it, people that run their groups started to accuse me of knowing what this exploit is because I patched itā€¦

I keep telling everyone, just kick the last player in order of an array when the client to server ping for most of your player ingame go bad.

Itā€™s not a nice patch, but it helps keep our game running stably.


But what happens if they wait to execute their hack until more players have joinedD?

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@Radiakk How much time is there between joining in server and crashing? I think thereā€™s a bot that detecting when a player joins overloads the client in someway.

When it was you couldnā€™t even get past the Roblox loading screen before everything froze, you can see the effects visualized in an earlier post

Oh so the game crashes once the player object is created, not when the server starts, yes theyā€™re overloading clients with effects or strange things, a fix would be change the place or try to do a script like this:

while true do
      for i,v in pairs(game.Lightning:GetChildren()) do
            if v:IsA("BlurEffect") then

Try check with descendant added or anything else if they spam effects, if they do delete them before they overload the client. (Better make it in a localscript)
Also if itā€™s a bot that join and kills all the clients, let the console print all players name so you can ban him before it can destroy the server.

I didnā€™t know lighting effects replicate when created on the client? Do I have the wrong idea or can you explain this further?

I mean, I think the hacker just adds the effects or in the clients or in the server, try do that from server-side if it doesnā€™t work try from client-side inside every player, and no, lightning effects donā€™t replicate server-client, if theyā€™re created on client they just take effect on client. EDIT: I tested in an empty place, spamming blur wonā€™t let client crash.

Ok @Radiakk I replicated the same effect they use: here they basically kick the player, destroy his object and destroy the kick prompt gui. You canā€™t fix that but you can obtain the bot name, make it print all players name in every moment, if you see any suspicious name ban that name, and the job is done.

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If you donā€™t find any bot then the hacker is ddosing the servers, so itā€™s to be banned before he can damage to other games too.

Thatā€™s why I consider it to be a nasty patch thatā€™ll at least let me get the server back up and running fast and find out what it was. I still have no idea what it is though.

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Iā€™m not sure if anyone has said this but recently in my game, an exploiter was doing this and they werenā€™t the smartest and paid to get the script and pretty much what it did was spam ā€œ:clearā€ a bunch of times and since that command allowed anybody to use execute it the exploit was easy to patch just change the permission level and add a check, although it did stop them from completely crashing the server I think they are still able to lag the server but I havenā€™t checked yet.

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