Exploiters crashing my servers, cause unknown

This has happened to numerous games. New Haven County had the exact same scenario and issue, and I managed to talk to the person directly. He abused a currently unknown form of crashing, which does not utilize the mass replication of an item. He refused to elaborate further, there’s a clue.

A lot of recent exploits around April-May of 2020 is chat spam, things like clean and just regular spam cause the server to slow down. and the longer the player is in the game letting the script run, the faster the server will eventually crash, there is a patch out there, which is simply a anti-chat-spam script that goes into Server Script Service. Hope it helps!

Alot of the information has been added.
This isn’t something that can simply be added to ServerScriptService.

The steps of the crash happen under these conditions:
It happens instantly in 1 player servers without PlayerAdded being invoked.
Even with all server scripts disabled the servers still crashed instantly.
The admin we use is a custom admin script that doesn’t use functions like :clean etc,.
So far it’s been ruled out to be the RightGrip and Instance.new(“Player”) exploit.

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This happens to the group’s I run everyday, they normally use scripts that you’ll have to patch in order for you not to be crashed. if you get your hands on said scripts then you should be ok. The scripts could be anything ranging from sound duping to people actually getting through a backdoor on your admin system.

Most developers fail to check for remote spam. I believe you should check it out.

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Thank you for this, one of the Dev’s found it to be a Remote for Team Spawning. (That’s how he explained it to me because I know nothing about scripting lol.) He just rewrote the script and everything is working fine as of right now, thank you.

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Yeah, what I have for remotes that have expensive server-side logic are rate limits because of this. Just think of the average Roblox server’s processing capability like this: they’re less capable than your typical 2020 PC; and work around making server scripts with this mindset (so you can give your players a lag-free experience).

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I’m not sure it can be exactly that exploit because last I was told, it was patched, and when I added the anti-spam script, my game’s servers have stopped crashing and it seemed to be fine after, but it could be that it was unpatched, but very unlikely.


Would you be tempted to try removing your anti-spam script to see if the problem returns thereby proving your script does the job.

This issue that I have is different. Adonis already rate limits their commands now and Roblox used to make a warn message if someone is using remote event too fast to server console and I don’t see that in server logs after waiting out the long lag session.

Sometimes, when exploiters crash servers really quickly, the message doesn’t show up. Try adding a throttle to all your remotes. Also there are many ways an exploiter can crash servers. Most are centered around making the server do too much.

My server doesn’t crash however, if you stay ingame for 3-6 minutes, they’ll stop running the exploit for a split second, and the server comes back to life and have nothing in server logs about it. Other than avg ping going up to 100k+.

I still have a pending post waiting for approval, but this was the one video I finally managed to record.

External Media

Okay, do you have any ClickDetectors in your game? These can be spammed too and especially lag the server if you have expensive server logic for them. Anything the client can access that has server processing involved must be checked.

I’ll take a look into that right now, two of the 5 games that reported this issue to me does use click detectors.

Don’t forgot to add server-side distance checks for them too. They can spoof how far they’re firing them from. Just check the distance from the clicker’s head relative to the part the click detector is under.

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I don’t know if it is related to this but in some games the ping goes high everyone stops and the leaderboard gets emptied.

If it is the same issue then I don’t think it is something about admin commands. Because I saw that problem in a game that doesn’t have admin commands.

I’m not saying that it is admin commands, just saying that Adonis already updated to log ‘rapid use of commands or chatting’ to their :exploitlogs and server logs.

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I just replied to the last post to comment on it. I didn’t mean you said it.

If you’d like me to send the game. this is the game I see it commonly: TPS: Street Soccer by @TAYFUN7

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Btw I think it is something to do with client side because TPS:Street Soccer doesn’t use any admin commands or free models in their game. So the exploiter can’t reach the server side in order to execute a script there.

Maybe they can’t use admin commands, but they can trigger server side events by the client side. So server side sanity check can solve this. But it depends on the game functions.