Title. And I cant use FilteringEnabled because it breaks a bunch of serverside only scripts for some reason aswell.
I don’t even know how to use filtering enabled. I was never thought.
The problem you are probably having is Player.PlayerGui is not replicated to the server wtih Filtering.
Also, FitleringEnabled is Roblox’s solution to exploiters. It gives you the tools to secure your game, and there isn’t anything else Roblox can do except help you help yourself.
[quote] The problem you are probably having is Player.PlayerGui is not replicated to the server wtih Filtering.
Also, FitleringEnabled is Roblox’s solution to exploiters. It gives you the tools to secure your game, and there isn’t anything else Roblox can do except help you help yourself. [/quote]
It’s pretty useless when there is no information on what it is or how to use it anywhere. I wish there was some sort of guide. I can’t pull information out of my ass.
By all means, if someone somewhere has created some sort of guideline to this, please, please let me know.
Why is this topic in Look at this Cool Creation??
Wait… exploiters everywhere is not normal these days? :uhhh:
They went for a while. Now they’re all back.