Hi everyone, my game has recently started to experience exploiters who are making vehicles in the game to flash their lights and activate their horns.
I believe this could be related to remote events in some way.
I have been unable to find any other cases like this on the Roblox Forums page or elsewhere online.
My game uses A-Chassis with Epic Lights which are all from the original uploaders and so do not include any malware.
Any help or ideas to get past this issue will be greatly appreciated!
You could try modifying some scripts, most likely clientside and a per-car basis, to have a short cooldown of maybe one or two seconds? (Oh, you made Dorset County? Nice!)
I suppose it depends whether there’s one remote handling the the lights and one for the horns. In that case, it wouldn’t be feasible to have a cooldown on the server as that can effect other, uninvolved players, if they are trying to activate it at the same time.
otherwise, you can make an updating table of all players storing their horn and light cooldown values, then just grab them as they are triggered.
This is an easy fix, I’ve been making vehicles hundreds of times in Roblox… and, when it comes to RemoteEvent, I ALWAYS make absolute SURE that only the Driver can FireServer the RemoteEvents, BUT only for the Events that handles stuffs like, Lights, Value Updates and everything…
How to do something like this, pretty simple!
local Seat = Car.DriverSeatBlaBlaBla
local Event = Car.HahaFunnyEvent
local Character = Player.Character
local Humanoid = Character.Humanoid
if Humanoid and (Humanoid.Sit and Humanoid.SeatPart == Seat) then
------- Server Stuff Here
You have a game with 8 million visits and you don’t know the answer to this? I am genuinely concerned for you my friend. You need to make a cooldown that actually lasts a decent amount of time. Not just some short cooldown that exploiters can easily spam with scripts and if you didn’t already know, exploiters can literally mimic the exact time of your cooldown, so it’s essential to make it moderately long in a case like this. Why on earth would you want anyone being able to flash their lights or horn like a real vehicle? Roblox is not real life… it is not sensible in any way for people to have control over their vehicles the same way they do in real life. Real life there are police officers who ticket people, tow vehicles, and arrest people for illegal modifications of their vehicle(which is the equivalent of a vehicle exploit in Roblox). Unless you have game moderators who are actively looking for people who abuse this exploit… I strongly advise against short cooldowns. And make sure they are server sided cooldowns. Don’t worry about how it affects other players just focus on making the cooldown long enough so that they stop abusing this exploit.
Hi, thanks for the help, i have always struggled to get my head around remote events haha! I think i should get round to learning more about them asap!