Exploiting protect

This isnt exactly studio bug, but its best category i found
In roblox rules is i cant use exploits, but how than i can make antiexploit system so i think this rule can be updated to i cant use exploits except 2 situations 1)i am owner or i am in team create 2) i have premision from owner to exploit
If i am in these two category its easier to “hack” by changing stoarge, scripts, … it in studio than to use exploits for it
If my version of the rule is there pls say it to me but what i know is that i cant exploit other games but also my games

if you are the owner of the game (or have team create permission) there is no rule stopping you from testing anti-exploit systems on exploits in roblox studio, just dont use them in games you dont own or on servers with random people on

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Ok thx, but you know about unfair bans so I want to remove permission of reporting owner in his game for exploiting

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