Exploiting scripts are able to parent to RobloxReplicatedStorage

Currently, on Roblox exploiting executors such as Xeno, they parent to “RobloxReplicatedStorage”, a part of the client, to store their exploits. For example:

I thought this would’ve been patched a part of Byfron, or something.

I’m not adding system information, because this is a client issue.

What happens:
Script successfully parents to RobloxReplicatedStorage, despite it being locked

Expected behavior

What is expected to happen:
The client denies access, no matter what

A private message is associated with this bug report

This is a known issue and isn’t a bug per se. Roblox is addressing this by continuously updating Byfron to counter new bypasses. This report won’t achieve much.

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This is because exploits use a higher level/identity. Each script has it’s own identity with it’s own permissions and exploits usually have level 7 or 8 which is RobloxScript or CoreScript and for that reason they’re able to access things that a regular script can’t, such as RobloxReplicatedStorage or CoreGui.

Meanwhile, you can possibly detect exploiters that use xeno by using LogService and finding “RobloxReplicatedStorage.Xeno” in an error output message


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