Explore my spaceship

I’m nearing the end of the construction of my spaceship, and it’s really important that it’s fun to explore. I would like some feedback on that before I’m 100% done with it:

Keep in mind:

  • I’m asking about how fun it is to explore, not how good the build is. If there is something just horrible about the build quality though it’d be nice if you let me know.
  • The ship is about 80% done. I’m still working on adding props and stuff. There’s a large hallway that’s just the same thing repeating over and over. That entire area is still being worked on.

I appreciate anyone who takes the time to do this :slight_smile:

Edit: Also the game originally has Rthro characters, so if everything seems large, it’s because the player’s character is going to be larger than usual.


I love it! Personally i love sci-fi style exploration. I love how open and spacious especially the height of the corridors. On an exploration level its pretty good and looking out the windows seeing meteors and stuff makes it a little more immersive! I also like the ambient audio, i think ill AFK this while i play runescape.

Just noticed the meteors move in the background. Nice. hits golden buzzer


Fairly good size, the build quality is pretty decent although more detail in some rooms could be a nice feature and make it more interesting and fun to explore. I do really like the interactivity with it though (the doors and elevators) - I think that those factors give the map an interesting feel. Overall it was pretty fun to explore, i like it :slight_smile:


This is pretty good, i like the overall design you added to the (Spaceship) as. Well it gives the sci-fi style to it personally it looks very! Open and has the details that makes it fun to, explore around although i know it’s still in progress. However adding more details in some of, the empty parts that’s in the spaceship, would be a really nice design that you. Could implement to it just to make it more interesting and fun to! Explore around the whole sc-fi ship overall, the details you added to the build so far it’s really. Nice it has the very unique and abstract! Style and that is what makes it so interesting to explore around. I do like the quality build it’s pretty, decent and very unique!!

However the “Elevators and Space Door” i think, those really gives your (SpaceShip) a very interesting style to it since those. Are mostly in these kind of builds and it makes! It stand out more overall, it was fun to explore, around a whole entire spaceship it. Was really amazing seeing the designs, details, style, that you implement to your build and! On a side note: i like how you included Meteors and a Saturn, planet in the background that’s. A very good idea you’ve came up with nicely done! On your creation it’s really nice.

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A skybox that looks like you’re looking at a cluster of stars or a galaxy might be appealing to look at. Also maybe try adding some moving Asteroids.
This hallway area is pretty dark;

Adding more flashing buttons and variety of buttons instead of those blocky ones only. Also, noise effects from the buttons would make it cool. The elevator could use some glass, so people can see outer-space while going down/up. Example;
Great build overall.


Looks great, I love the Sci-Fi genre, so I knew I would like this. There’s so much room to roam and a lot of detail was put into this from my point of view. I like how you even made the meteors move. That’s a great touch, overall looks amazing.

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A good start, but a lot to adjust.

The whole ‘ship’ feels more like a ‘space-building’, too much glass, typical bureau-lights and to hard corner-edges.
Think about the lights and the buttons, especialy the lifts, because some can’t be reach properly.
The bridge?/upper-level or something couldn’t be reached about the glitching elevator - wip.^^
But the most important thing: maps and signs, not much but a few at sections could help a lot not to get lost.

Think about the ambiente on a space-ship with his designs, lights and shadows.
it was too bright or too dark. Space don’t provides light.

Good start, but a lot of work to do. Not be big things, but the small ones - Details! :wink:


Could you clarify? How is the elevator glitchy?

One thing I did run into, was that I clicked the up button while off the elevator, so it went up.

I was still inside when the force field kicked in, keeping me from pressing the call down button. I could still reach it by standing close and putting my camera on the other side of the barrier though.

Maybe make the one button a toggle? visible from both sides? or find a way to nudge character to the correct side?

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For the elevators and doors its confusing at first because you can press any of the “buttons” to use it, and the buttons need more feedback when they are pressed so you know you hit it, a click and the button gets pressed. The spaceship to me is a little bland overall, there is a lot of walking between rooms, and not a lot happening during the walk between rooms/areas. For some really good inspiration for interior spaceship design, I suggest looking up An Architect reviews Star Citizen, and watching one of those youtube videos.

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I felt thru the elevator, after I pressed the button. It doesn’t take me up. Happend two times and because of the force-field you got traped on the ‘wrong side’, so only a reset could help.


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Thanks for letting me know. Just out of curiosity, what are the specs of the device you were playing on when that happened? Was anyone else in the elevator?

I completely agree. I’ll check out those videos when I have a sec. I’m also definitely going to add feedback when you click a button. Thanks for taking a look!

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No problem, I also forgot to say you should add a control room and an engine room, so it feels more like a space ship instead of station, but you could just mark it as a space station since it fits the bill pretty nicely.

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