[Explorer Beta] Package and PackageLink icon not appearing (& wrong order)

With a package in the new Next Gen Explorer Beta, the icon to the right of the PackageLink’s parent does not appear, and there isn’t any other indication the instance is a package.
Additionally, the PackageLink instance does not have an icon visible, no matter the Status and AutoUpdate values.
Finally, the PackageLink used to appear as the first child under a package, but that’s no longer the case.



Actually, a lot of the previous instance order rules don’t seem to be working correctly in the beta, like ValueBases are appearing nearer the end instead of near the start of children lists.

thank s a lot for capturing these issues!
If possible, cloud you please share a screenshot for the ValueBasses icon issue you mentioned?

RE packages: The package integrations for the new Explorer are still work in progress (Icons, context menu items, etc), they’ll be there early next year after the holiday break.

There’s a small hardcoded list of ordering metadata for the time being so some stuff may be out of order, we’re going to get it to use the same full metadata list it used to before release.


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