Explorer icon customization colours and child bars

I often get headaches and am really lost sometimes just staring at the explorer not being able to find what I need to even though I’m really organized, I feel like sometimes these new icons can blur together for me at least, especially if there is a bunch of them together and no way to make one stand out except for the name, but maybe that’s just me. Which is why I’m proposing a new features to customize these icons.

  1. Child bars will need some further editing/ finalization and if they were a feature they would probably be something you’d need to toggle, I just want something kinda like them you know because when I have a bunch of childs open it can be a bit hard to navigate and find what I want.



Icon Customization
Screenshot 2023-01-22 163634

  1. I really like the idea of being able to change the colours of icons so they can stand out from the other ones, like lets say i have an important script that i want to stand out so i can easily find it, i can just colour it red so it stands out better. this would work for everything so you could just right-click any object and be able to change the colour of it using some sort of colour slider. This would be great to be even neater and organized, for example this could work on models, parts, scripts, local scripts, GUI, folders, remote events, unions, tools, etc. I think being able to do this would be way better than child bars in my opinion.

i would put this in feedback but idk how to, it’s not letting me for some reason and I’ve just became a member for dev forum

Because you didn’t stop and read. Pinned in the feature requests section are threads literally called How to post a Feature Request and About the Feature Requests category which you should 100% read.

Word of advice: If it doesn’t belong in a category, don’t dump it there anyway and use an excuse like “I couldn’t post it elsewhere” - There’s most likely a reason you aren’t supposed to be making those types of posts.

this whole platform is really messy to navigate and really hard to get on for no reason when it could be easier like needing to have a verified account that’s 13+ and is a year or two old, maybe an hour or two on devforum, topics read, etc, it doesn’t have to be like 10 hours, 100 topics read, etc, it looks like i have to wait for another year just to be able to post on topics :face_exhaling:

also i wouldn’t say this is the wrong category just not the one i wanted because this could still be here.

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I agree entirely. My testing place is a mess (mainly due to my past self’s lack of organization, but that’s beyond the point.) Working on importing and configuring a weapon model, especially after spending 3-4 hours creating it, would be made exponentially easier if this were a feature- especially when sorting through an explorer with hundreds of objects.

Hard disagree considering Discourse is one of the most popular forum systems out there, and I doubt they got that status by being messy and hard to navigate.

You just need to be 13 years old and have (I believe) 3 hours read time. There are no more requirements past that (and it really shows sometimes because people come here and start posting offtopic posts and use excuses like “well it wouldn’t let me post it in the place it belongs”)

That’s exactly what the requirements are.

Yet you literally just said you posted it here because it wouldn’t let you post in the right category.

You do realise that Members can’t post in feature requests? right?

You have to be Regular rank, and it is currently impossible to become a Regular right now.

This figurative brick wall is the reason members post off-topic things here, because there is no other choice.

Please stop being arrogant to this person.


As said earlier, there’s most likely a reason that members can’t post in feature requests.

That reason being this exact feature request already exists in a couple forms (Please, oh please, can I just keep these old icons? and Custom Studio Interface (Themes and Icons)) as well as the fact this request could be written a lot better than it is currently.
If members could make feature requests there would be hundreds of duplicate threads being made because none of them can read, let alone use the search bar to see if they’re making a duplicate post (as shown very clearly by OP creating said duplicate post)

thats not true, the requirements are 3 hours total read time,150 posts read,1k or 1,5k, Something like that. I didn’t say i put this in the wrong category i said i would put this in feedback, if you read what can go in Development Discussion this can go here…

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this isn’t a duplicate post, why do you have to have such an attitude :face_exhaling: if you can find a single post exactly like this show me because i couldn’t

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This topic shouldn’t be in feedback, it should be in feature requests.

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There is a reason for that. Imagine if everyone could post on the devforums.

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I feel I’d prefer all of these be toggleable, i can already tell the inheritance structure well as it is and it just looks jarring

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I literally linked two of them just above. If you’re trying to argue that you tried to read and look for the posts, proving that you didn’t even take the 5 seconds to read my reply before responding isn’t helping your argument here.

Just incase you can’t ever find them, here they are a second time.

Those 2 posts are for different icons.

HIFroggy2468 wants lines in the explorer

And the ability to change the tint of icons per instance. So instead of changing all screen guis to be pink only make the cooking screen gui pink.