Is it always set at 30? What does this actually affect? I was thinking of displaying max players in a lobby in a form of text. Rather than hard-coding the value.
-- Sample of finding player count
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local playerCount = #Players:GetPlayers()
playerCount += 1
lobbyCountText.Text = playerCount.."/"..Players.MaxPlayers
But using Players.MaxPlayers would show 30 instead of 10. Any insights would be appreciated!
Having too many players can affect gameplay.
For example, if you started having too many players(30+ at least), you would start noticing a bit of lag. And this lag can differentiate between games.
The lag can increase if you have a bulky game(detailed, etc), and then people will complain about the lag, which escalates.
That’s why preferred max players is at 30.
As for raising that value, I am not sure. But I think if you can average around 30+ players in your game(not per server), it may change.
I’m not quite sure I get it. So the max / preferred players is just an indicator for the game optimal number? And has no bearing as to whether or not the game is actually cap at 30 players?
The game server cap is only controlled using Game Settings > Place Max Players?