Explorer : Player vs StarterCharacter Issues

I am having issues creating a Starter Character.
I have done this before, but for some reason,

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    Create a StarterCharacter (virtually just a Ball as a player)

  2. What is the issue?
    “Players” (my standard character) seems to be appearing in my demo experience.
    And for some reason, it won’t allow me to delete it - though it was blank in previous Studio versions.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
    I tried a new experience with nothing in it - adding a standard Roblox Rig
    Tried deleting the character under Players

Whatever I do… my standard Character keeps loading in it’s place
Besides trying to delete it - I have also tried Unchecking “CanLoadCharacterAppearance”

But the StarterCharacter loads… but I can only control my own character, which is not even required for the test or eventual game.

I check for updates regularly on the forum, but yet have seen nothing saying our characters players are now Automatically entered into the PLAYERS section under Explorer.

Another Question:
How do you UnAnchor the Humanoid itself ?
I have UnAchored all the other Parts… but Humanoid will not allow me to

Thanks In Advance.

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how about you make a connection between the head and the main part also the initial character must be a model

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the head and the humanoidrootpart must be connected together with a motor6d, and the character itself has to be a model, and not a part

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Thank You… that seemed to sort my problem out

Had to learn some stuff about Motor6D… but all in all learnt something new lol

Character = Model (not part) … somehow overlooked that… since Characters are made up from parts too :sweat_smile:

As for the Humanoid item - would it be true that it is the only item that will be forced to be ANCHORED ?
Whatever I try, I couldn’t change it … even though now I don’t think it ever needs to be, since the character worked fine.

Thanks again both.

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anything which isn’t a basepart, model, mesh, or union cant be unanchored

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