Explorer Search Improvements

A while back, the default behavior of Ctrl+Shift+X would be to select all of the existing text in the Explorer’s search box and bring focus to it, so we could quickly type any search term without needing to clear out existing text.

Recently, it seems this isn’t the case anymore, as nothing is automatically selected when focused. I have to additionally select all the text (Ctrl+A), and while it’s a minor annoyance, it can make it feel slower to use than before.

Is this intentional, or are there plans to reverse this change / bug?


This is awesome

It would be great to see support for more properties added

These are really helpful improvements, thanks!

Would be cool to have a “filter” icon that contains these filters to make it more obvious for those who are unaware/ can’t remember.


Cool new search queries… but the real question is when will the studio UI be fixed? It’s been out for months and is still riddled with viewport bugs and widget bugs.

Is there a way to select all of the searched items quickly without having to manually click on all of them in explorer?

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This is REALLY good. Won’t have to do this stuff manually via the command line anymore - really excited about this

Finally, this update is fr goated

Hello, I meant like a Replace All option like what Scripts have, like I do Command + C, I go Command + V click the Replace All button, and it replaces everything I selected with what I copied, as if I have a lot of Killbricks for example and the script is wrong, I can use this feature to update them all, it’s hard I know, but it’s also really useful

This was my dream, now I can search for models named folder instead of all folders as a whole

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This update is awesome!

It would be excellent if there was additional syntax highlighting on the custom filter syntax being used here. The extra coloring when I type the word “True” correct, or type in an identify would give me a lot more information on exactly what is going on.

It looks like right now it’s using Lua syntax highlighting to some level, so it’d be awesome if more detail was exposed there.


This is cool, does it support attributes? If not, I think that would be very a useful addition as that is one of the things we don’t have much support for in Studio.


This is truly amazing! Thanks for this update. (I have no words to describe how convenient it is)


No, it was a bit complicated, but will at some point.


With the new Explorer Search Improvements, you can now select all search results w/ Ctrl+A

Gone are the days I have to write a tiny script in the command bar to delete objects based on a property. THANK YOU

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Would you want the ability to replace all instance names? replace all property values with another value? In what scenarios would you find this functionality most useful? Thank you for the feedback!

It would be useful for bulk replacing anythign, ranging from Attributes to whole Models, with the example taht I said, if every Killbrick has its own Script but it doesn’t work, and I have 100 of them, then if I wanted to update all of them it would take me 10 decades, but if I would select them all, and replace all of the Scripts With the new updated code, this would save me a lot of time, this is only one use case, I think a lot of people would find this useful, sorry if it wasn’t clear at first


Wowowow this is insane for my workflow it literally saves time energy and eye strain thank for making an update that nobody is mad at!
Seriously tho it’s features like these that just make studio feel so much better

Massive W. Cannot state how much of a dub this is.

Cool, I like it. I can finally find all unanchored parts before play testing(if I remember to do so)

However. Why not add a sorting menu too?
Perhaps you can have it where we can only see the things we searched for, without their parents. I sometimes hate it when I need to see a Point Light, but it’s inside an object that has similar properties, making me wonder which one I need to select to change(such as Color).

That way you might even be able to just put the new search methods in there as well, making it possible for weirdos to find their Instances named “anchored = true” instead of finding anchored parts alongside xd