Explorer Search Improvements

Beta Updates:

Additionally, brickColor property search is now working!


Here are some updates we’ve made to the beta feature!


@PeZsmistic calling this out since you requested this feature a while ago!


OHHHH stupendous, a gift, a present, a blessing!!

An update to that loading spinner icon and I will be 200% satisfied with this search bar.

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Keeping my idea of mouse-free in Studio, it would be great to be able to associate these functions within the list of shortcut keys.

This will avoid external workarounds like this:

Yuck, if I remember right that thing is as old as Studio itself. We can look into this, out of curiosity do you know of any existing UIs that have a decent one? Especially one that isn’t Lua (though we can probably nab it even if)?


Sorry, I forgot to reply to this after work. Unfortunately I am not aware of any instances of a loading icon built into Studio. Even the new Quick Open feature is using this crusty old icon. The only loading “spinner” I’m aware of is the team create loading animation, which is much too large. :pensive:


No worries, and it’s useful to know that Quick Open is using this. I will see what we can do.


FINALLY! I don’t have to use a part picker to look for all my items! Thanks so much roblox!

This update appears to have just been reverted/disabled. Is this expected?

Though I haven’t found many uses for it yet, this is a good update/new feature!

Today, I used it to deselect the “CanTouch” property on every BasePart on my test map (though I don’t know if having that enabled without using the Touched event impacts performance in any way), and just now, it’s also helped me find all parts with “reflections” enabled.

Why would I want to remove reflections? Well, I’ve found out that this property controls both the legacy “sky reflections” and the newer automatic cubemaps, which I don’t like. (They’re very low resolution, don’t update often enough, and aren’t a replacement for manually-placed cubemaps and planar reflections.) I’ve found that setting this to 0 disables them while still keeping PBR “light orb” reflections on surfaces.

It’s still enabled for me. On the other hand, the new selection outlines were disabled, but now they’re back…! :cry:

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It seems to be working fine for me, but it has been flickery in the past. I think it’s an issue with beta features themselves, as I’ve had this happen to me with other beta features before. :stuck_out_tongue:

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If a folder’s name is a number, searching for children/descendants of that folder will not work
e.g. Searching for a part named “Red” in a folder named “8” will not work

Searching for the folder itself works

But once I try to search for a child of 8 it won’t work

(Red is a valid child of 8)

– Edit: Just to clarify: I do have the beta feature turned on

You want "8".Red, which should work. Quotes to escape, not brackets.



Are we able to combine searches though?
Say, I have “Wheel1”, and I need all Wheel1’s to be CanCollide Off, because goofy me forgot to do it before duplicating?

So for example “Wheel1 cancollide on”, or something like that.

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Apologies, I didn’t see this until now. Combining is just done from searching them together: Wheel1 CanCollide=false

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No worries, thanks for answering!

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Is it possible to turn this feature off?

As a animator, it is very difficult for me to find ALL of my animations,

Such as, I type animation in the explorer.

It only shows the animations named ‘Animations’.

Is there a workaround or off button?

You can use the “is:” filter

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Thank you so much. You are a life saver.

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