Explorer Search Improvements

YES!!! ive been wanting this for ages, finally. thanks roblox

This is goodā€¦

No more time used up searching for locked parts. Thank you

Itā€™s something in the game that allows you to update one and it updates all of them. Right click the model and you can save as package.

Oh, I didnā€™t know, tehn this isnā€™t really useful, even though for new Developers taht donā€™t know what a Package is it could be useful, but itā€™s @kirazeee325 choice

This is awesome! It feels wonderful to use, looks great, and is intuitive. The one thing I feel like it would really benefit from is the ability to search through attributes like properties. (E.g. attribute:NameOfAttribute=123)

Another possibility, but, likely with more limited use cases would be the ability to use <, >, <=, etc comparisons. Actually apparently these already exist! :smile:

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If Iā€™m not wrong they are already there

I use Future Lighting technology, which is heavy-burdened in GPU. So I must select all BaseParts/Mesh/Union to disable CastShadow Property, and although I did have <1,000 parts, my Studio Crash (I did use Macbook Pro 14-inch 2021, which is very strong in CPU-GPU), screenshot below

I love this update anyway, it would be better if Studio doesnā€™t crash everytime we mass search, thank you in advance!

Attribute support is planned, but might be a while.


Hey @JuanGamerPlayz_RBLX , thank you for this feedback! These new features will definitely be integrated into documentation. Since itā€™s still in the early stages of the beta and we plan on iterating on this syntax based on feedback, weā€™re going to hold off for now. When the official documentation is updated, Iā€™ll definitely link to it on this post.


Hey @AlreadyPro - thanks for the feedback! Which properties that currently arenā€™t supported would you find the most useful to include in search syntax? Thanks!


@OneEDM - this is a work in progress!


Thank you - this is very helpful context. Weā€™ll definitely explore this request as we continue to iterate on this feature.


It seems like what I was thinking of had already been answered here. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Oy, that is splandid to hear! Looking forward to see the full release and comprehend more soon!

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Adding this update, along with RejectCharacterDeletions, into my shrine of good Roblox updates. Thank you once again Dev team.

Thatā€™s literally a codebase/skill issue. You should tag every killbrick with a CollectionService tag such as ā€œKillbrickā€. Then make a script that iterates through every instance tagged with ā€œKillbrickā€ and run the corresponding code for each of the killbricks.

"You set yourself up for failure once the maintainability of your codebase goes out the window." ~ Buddha

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Okay, sorry but I didnā€™t know how to do that, Iā€™m not an expert, in a newbie

Is this a ā€˜parodyā€™ of a saying?

This is such a perfectly timed and much needed QoL improvement. :heart:
Not about explorer search, but still about the explorer:
Can you consider implementing an explorer context menu button to copy the path of an instance?

Actually, thatā€™s a very good idea, I think it should be able to:

  • Pass from Parent path to Children path without stopping
  • Being able to copy and paste
  • Being able to get the path to Values? (Maybe not)

Would be great tho!
(I canā€™t like your post, I have to wait 9 hours to like again)

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Just write a script in the command bar to iterate through workspace and set every BasePart's CastShadow property to false.

for _,v in workspace:GetDescendants() do
   if v:IsA("BasePart") then
      v.CastShadow = true