Explosion Barrel

So I was borred and just made a cool little explosion barrel (model not by me)

The Model:
Explosion_Barrel.rbxm (32.8 KB)

If you want to support me you can subscribe to my yt channel:

This was everything, if you have any question or anything I could make better you can tell me in the comments anyways, have a great day :slight_smile:


Cool Explosive Barrel, that guy loved it so much it blew his mind!!


new sub brother gg…
I have a question, I can modify it, but with the Touched event?
I mean that I modified it


Nice barrel.
Imagine it appears on a Don’t click this proximity prompt game.

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Truly one of the models of all-time.

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lol, I revived this post by editing my post

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thanks for all the positive feedback :smiley:

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