For some reason, my body parts arent being flung apart in an explosion. My joints break, but nothing flings outward from the origin of the explosion.
I have tried setting the BlastPressure to something high, and have also set it before and after parenting. Nothing has changed. I even tried raising the position of the explosion so it wouldnt be inside of the part its parented to. (I saw a post suggesting this)
My best guess is that maybe the network ownership of your character has something to do with it.
Anyone know whats wrong here?
local Explosion ="Explosion")
Explosion.Position = MineClone.PrimaryPart.Position +,2,0)
Explosion.Parent = MineClone.PrimaryPart
Explosion.BlastRadius = 12
Explosion.BlastPressure = 20000
Explosion.DestroyJointRadiusPercent = 1