Explosion-Propelled Jets

With the new updates, I had the thought, “why not power a jet with explosions?” Essentially a rocket-powered jet. And so I tried.

The result is…untamed. It’s very sandboxed and pretty hilarious to try out. When throttle is on, the plane blasts an explosion behind itself every 0.1 seconds with a 5e5 blast pressure (the default).

Controls are simple: Steer with the mouse, click-and-hold for throttle.


Wow: D

How untamed? I need to test this, seems pretty epic

These are so much fun!

Am I the only one?

edit: Figured it out, really nice :slight_smile:

Does it work in server?

Because if the plane physics are distributed to a client, and the explosion happens on server (or another client), I can see bad things happening.

Probably not a huge problem but I would not build a multipassanger plane using the technology :uhhh: