Explosive shooter doesnt work

function findTarget()
	local mag = 80
	local target

	for v, plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
		local char = plr.Character
		if char then
			local part1 = char:FindFirstChild("Head")
			local human = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
			if part1 and human and human.Health > 0 then
				local part2 = script.Parent
				local magnitude = (part1.Position - part2.Position).magnitude
				if magnitude < mag then
					mag = magnitude
					target = part1

while wait() do
	local part1 = findTarget()
	if part1 then
		while part1 and part1.Parent do
			local insan = Instance.new("Attachment",part1)
			script.Parent.Parent.Union.Beam.Attachment0 = insan
			local ez = workspace.Explodey:Clone()
			ez.Parent = workspace
			ez.Position = part1
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What exactly is wrong with the script?

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I don’t know, it doesn’t print anything nor does it do anything.

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PS This is a NPC.
Forgot to mention that

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you are always setting part1 to nil because you never return anything in the function


Yeah, you forgot to add a return in the function
return target


Where do I add return target? Thanks for the responses.

function findTarget()
	local mag = 80
	local target

	for v, plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
		local char = plr.Character
		if char then
			local part1 = char:FindFirstChild("Head")
			local human = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
			if part1 and human and human.Health > 0 then
				local part2 = script.Parent
				local magnitude = (part1.Position - part2.Position).magnitude
				if magnitude < mag then
					mag = magnitude
					target = part1

    return target
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I’ll try that. Thanks for everything, even at such a late time.

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Alright so basically, this doesn’t work and I also wanted it to have a wait() feature (This NPC has a charge laser)

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I’ll try mending my code. It MIGHT work, i’ll tell you if it does.
Well it doesn’t. Any ideas?
PS: Since there in different functions or something, target isn’t recognized cause it was from a different function.

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Please, next time, don’t vaguely explain.

local Players = game:GetService('Players')
local RS = game:GetService('RunService')

local function FindNearestTarget(Range, Position)
    local NearestTarget
    local NearestDistance = 0

    for _, Player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
        local Character = Player.Character

        if Character and Character.Humanoid and Character.Humanoid:GetState() ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Dead then
            local Root = Character.PrimaryPart
            local Distance = (Root.Position - Position).Magnitude 

            if  Distance >= Range and Distance >= NearestDistance then
                NearestDistance = Distance
                NearestTarget = Player

    return NearestTarget

while true do
    local Target = FindNearestTarget(80, script.Parent.Position)

    local Attachment = Instance.new("Attachment")
    Attachment.Parent = Target
	script.Parent.Parent.Union.Beam.Attachment0 = Attachment

	local EFX = workspace.Explodey:Clone()
	EFX.Parent = workspace
	EFX.Position = Target.Position
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Sorry, I was a bit tired of working on it (I worked like, 6 hours combined through 2 days)
(PS: I will also test this, tho it looks like it will work.)

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It says attachments must be parented to a part instance on line 32.
(aka this line: Attachment.Parent = Target)

Attachment.Parent = Target:IsA("Model") and Target.PrimaryPart or workspace.Terrain

So this solved that problem, but a new problem arose (this will be the last one as this is the end of the code.)
Position is not a valid member of player players.stick_man1112, which means Target = Player not character, how do I get the character? (line 35)


I think I got it (accidentally deleted this part)
Never mind I dont, i’m kinda clueless.

PS: It also has an attachment into Terrain for some reason.