Exported blender model is transparent in studio

So im trying to import some models from bender into studio. When the model gets imported it seems to be transparent. I can see through the model. Any idea how i can fix this? I tried flipping the normals but it still didnt work.


Try showing some pictures so we can see.
Also, how are you importing it? You can select the MeshPart, then click the folder icon next to (I think) the MeshID and choose it from your computer files, or you can use the MeshImporter tool in the Model Tab in Studio.
Also, do you have the MeshPart Transparency set above 0?


I managed to fix it. I didn’t notice that the double sided in roblox was unchecked.


You shouldn’t need to have double sided checked. That was meant for items like leaves or playing cards.
If you use double sided you are increasing the number of tris that are rendered which could cause a bit of lag if you need a lot of meshes.
Instead of flipping the Normals did you try using Recalculate Outside in the Normals tools?
Also look up the face orientation tools in a Blender tutorial. It’ll show you how to use the tool so you can see which side of the Face’s Normal is facing outwards.