Exported Heightmap to parts (plugin)

I’ve been tying all day and I just didnt found a way to do this, so let me explain.

I’m doing a triangle terrain plugin and I need a custom heightmap option, which will generate (by setting how big the map is) the terrain.
I’m stuck here so currently I have: the image size (x,y), the image string, but not a way to see a pixel’s color and place a part based to that color

Here’s an example:

I upload this on the plugin, then the plugin needs to generate some points (distanced by a value) where the triangle needs to connect. So it scans every (some value) pixels and places a part.

What I’ve tried so far?

Still this couldnt help, but if that may work tell me!
Any help is appreciated!

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Perhaps try EditableImages

This is what i achieved with it (the reverse of what you want to do)

After you made that you’re able to edit that mesh? But still part size limits dont permit the thing I want to achieve. I just need to find a pixel’s color, and then I’m done

You can use AssetService:CreateEditableImageAsync(Image_ID), from there you can use EditableImage:ReadPixels() to get the color of the pixels at certain location

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actually I would never thought it was so simple!

Thank you so much!
(for who is interested here’s the function)

local imageFile = game:GetService("StudioService"):PromptImportFile({"jpg","png"})

local imageID = imageFile:GetTemporaryId()
local editableImage = AssetService:CreateEditableImageAsync(imageID)

local function GetPixel(x, y)
	local Pixel = editableImage:ReadPixels(Vector2.new(x,y),Vector2.new(1,1))
	local height = Pixel[3]*HeightMultipler
	return height
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