Exported mesh color

Hi all. This is a very nooby question for people who regularly use blender & I have searched a LOT for an answer on this but nothing I try works. So I’m asking here. Once I find a solution I will delete the post-- the issue is that my mesh in blender has different parts that are different colors but once imported into roblox studio, it is all 1 color. I am not using a texture its just color. Everything I try doesn’t work & I am not as familiar with blender as my other program and I am foreign to texture/coloring. If you’re going to lecture me on watching tutorials or finding posts already made about this, I rly have. thank you >pic

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Don’t do this so if others have the same question, they can find the answer here potentially

Now unfortunately I am not too farmilliar with blender, but I think you need to export the texture as it does contain color details

The other option is to export separate pieces which you can weld together

I can’t export the texture thats pretty much the entire issue sadly. I’ve watched about 15 tutorials and read a dozen forum posts but I can’t seem to do this

Did a quick search in the devforum

There’s your answer


Importing as fbx does not automatically add color as the mesh I try to import IS fbx. also, this? error

If you have a texture on your mesh, as opposed to materials, you need to upload the texture as a decal to Roblox then fill the “TextureID” field in the properties of your mesh with the textureId from the decal. As far as I’m aware, materials from Blender don’t port into Roblox.

What I normally do when I’m exporting a mesh is I export each piece individually and use studio to color the seperate objects. If you aren’t already familiar with the method, you select every face that will be the same color, press P, and a menu like this should appear:

Select selection, and then it should seperate the mesh and then from there you can export each portion. The advantage to this method, and also the reason I use it, is it allows for easy customization because you can adjust the colors/material in studio without having to adjust it in blender and re-importing it.

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I’ve seen this method before but I ran into complications before actually being able to properly try it. Also, I’ve seen a good bit about vertex paint (which I don’t even know where is haha) but I’m still discovering. Going to completely remake it and see if theres anything I can do… thanks for your help