Exported R6 Models import into Blender with Black Hats

I’m trying to use roblox characters to make a render for a thumbnail, but the imported models come out with Black Accessories


sometimes theres texture/material errors when blender tries to import .obj, .fbx, or .mdl files (if that’s the method im thinking youre doing it by–straight up exported out of roblox). those file types CAN store material data, but it doesnt always match 1-to-1 in blender.

ive found that, when regarding unusual colors in blender:
pink colors = texture not found
black colors = material is messed up (ex. set up incorrectly & wrong types)

i would go into the Shader Editor view and take a look at the materials on that object right there.
it’s been a while, but usually when i import objects straight from roblox to blender, the materials are supposed to be built like:

not sure why blender tends to import it all weird. sometimes youll see the normal image connected to other inputs as well? i dunno.

EDIT: im just now looking closely at your image and im seeing those custom rig gears. so these must be custom characters.
i would still double check your material anyways. but if its complex, or there’s still issues, you should consult the person who created the rig.

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