Exporter plugin errors when trying to set properties too fast

I am creating a plugin that turns RetroStudio into Roblox. However, there is one issue that kept bugging me, and it’s the issue how setting properties too fast will make it error.
I know, you could say:

However, adding a task.wait() slows down the exporting process and makes things export in a minute, however I want to achieve fast exporting times while also silencing errors.

Doing a simple task.wait() just does this:

Here’s my module code:

local httpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local constructors = require(script:FindFirstChild("Constructors"))
assert(httpService.HttpEnabled, "HttpService must be enabled via the code: \"game.HttpService.HttpEnabled = true\" in the command line!")

local function construct(n, v, obj)
	local func = constructors[typeof(obj[n])]

	if func then 
		obj[n] = func(v)
		obj[n] = v

local function create(lua)
	local startTime = os.clock()
	local created = false

	local success, fail = pcall(function()
		for _, props in pairs(lua) do
			local obj = Instance.new(props.ClassName)
			props.ClassName = nil
			for n, v in pairs(props) do
				construct(n, v, obj)
	if not success then
		warn("Error found! Error:", fail)
	local endTime = os.clock()
	print("Created object(s) in:", endTime - startTime)

return function(jsons)
	local startTime = os.clock()
	local iters = 0
	for _, json in pairs(jsons) do
		local success, var = pcall(function()
			return httpService:JSONDecode(json)
		iters += 1
		warn("--- JSON #"..iters.." ---")		

		if not success then
			warn("JSON is not a JSON, continuing...")
	local endTime = os.clock()
	warn("Exported in:", endTime - startTime)

Too long, didn’t read: I want to silence errors in this script while also keeping the exporting times at such low values.

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the problem in the for loops , it is passing the script run time so you should add a wait or use different threads to make tasks separately

maybe add a folder and parent it to nil and then set every part parent to that folder and at the end of the loop set the folder parent to workspace (not sure if this will fix it)