Exporting for blender

I want to make it so you can’t see through the model.


This topic might help you: Weird render problem with meshes

Ah, I’ve run into this quite often when exporting from Blender into Roblox. And the solution is quite simple, just select the parts that are ‘see through’ inside of Blender, and flip the normals of the selected stuff. Feel free to let me know if there are any other issues/if it doesn’t work and I’ll hop back in here and help out!

How do I flip it around? Some people said Ctrl+N but that makes a new model.

Ok first go into edit mode.

Then select the ‘Mesh’ menu.
Screen Shot 2021-05-16 at 9.29.37 AM

Within the Mesh menu, hover over Normals and select the one that says ‘Flip’. (It’ll only flip the normals of the selected faces, so take note of that.)

Or alternatively, you could do Opt + N (For Mac) and I believe it’s Alt + N for Linux and Windows.

How to view which way the normals of a face is going:

This is quite simple actually, all you need to do is open up this drop down menu at the top right of Blender and choose the circled option. You can also change the size of the markers to help make it more visible. I personally like to keep it at 0.5. (ONLY WORKS IN EDIT MODE)

This is what it should look like if you did above:

If a face has the arrow sticking the opposite way, you should flip that face’s normals so that it doesn’t show up as see through in Studio.

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Oh I haven’t used that way yet, good to know there’s another way!!