Exporting OBJ non-uniform ball part produces wrong results

For a while, we’ve been able to have ball parts which aren’t uniform in scale:

(insert new part, set shape to Ball => Size remains unchanged)

However, when this part is exported with the “Export selection” menu item (right click the part):

… and loaded into e.g. Blender, the ball occupies the entire bounding box of the part:

(the mesh was not touched in Blender, other than moving it into view)

Also appears wrong in Windows’ 3D viewer:

(so likely a Roblox issue in its entirety)

Expected behavior

The ball should appear as it does in Roblox. This is very likely due to the mesh exporter not expecting such parts to ever exist (these parts ware impossible before we got Shape)

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to fix it, just set the xsize, ysize, and zsize of the ball to the biggest value

Actually the smallest. If we set it to the biggest, the ball would change visually in Studio :slight_smile: