Exporting SKP to roblox

Hello there!

I’m trying to add a mesh from sketchup to my game, but it seems skp. files aren’t supported… Is there a different way to import this or did I waste my time going on SketchUp…

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:

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See if it’s possible to export it as a .fbx or .obj file. If not, try exporting it and moving it to another software, such as Blender, then exporting it as one of the aforementioned file types.

Edit - did a quick search and found this: In desperate need of SKP to OBJ file conversion - SketchUp - SketchUp Community. I’ve never used Sketchup before, so I don’t know how reliable this is, but I’d suggest looking around their forums. It seems unlikely that you’ll find a solution here since the issue is with another program.

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I will note that any 3D modelling software that doesn’t natively have a way to export as a .FBX or AT LEAST .obj is literally decades behind the curve.

The thread that Pythoicus linked mentioned that the pro version offers this functionality, as well as plugins, but honestly if the app doesn’t give that basic of basic necessities up front, you should go elsewhere.

If you have hardware limits and can’t download Blender 2.8 or higher, Blender 2.79 is still fantastic software and works on even the more limited platforms.

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