Expose setting to disable shuffling of Continue Playing, Friend Activty changes, etc. for developers

As a Roblox developer, it is currently becoming unreasonably hard, to easily rejoin experiences and monitor their CCU/ratings from the home page. This is due to discoverability changes that have been made, such as shuffling the continue playing list and replacing experience stats with a friend count, if a single friend plays the experience.

It is becoming unbearably annoying, when some experience I joined 2 months ago, is now on my front page (and therefore the top of the continue sort), to continue playing. I was more interested in joining what I was working on days ago, not something else. Similarly, as a developer, I care about the CCU and the ratings of my experiences. I’m really not concerned that someone I friended joined the experience, preventing me from seeing any of the minimum stats that used to be provided. In that point as well, to be clear, I’m not completely against any of these features for normal users, I think both shuffling and friend activity, could likely improve discoverability if implemented correctly. I do question the UX of completely removing the ratings, just because a single friend joined though.

But what’s really just ridiculous, is the fact, that the easiest way to rejoin experiences you joined and/or developed a few days ago, is through the browser’s find text feature. We need an official way to disable those types of changes to our front/discover page.


I always thought the “shuffling” was just a bug…
but it was INTENDED!?

Good grief, this is the quality ROBLOX browser experience™

But yeah I definitely agree, I’d like to disable shuffling of homepage items.


Roblox’s user experience has become increasingly unintuitive, misleading, and outright hostile over the past year. It feels like it is fighting the user to make them see options they do not want to see.

I do not want to see games my friends played sporadically mixed in with the category I am looking at. I want to see games my friends played in a category specifically for games my friends played.

I do not want to see categories that seemingly ignore the ordering implied by their names (e.g. “Top Rated” showing a game rated 87% in front of a game rated 94%). I want to see categories that clearly define what criteria they are actually following and stick to them consistently

And finally, I do not want to be used in a/b testing without any ability to opt out. These are things the user, your customer, should be able to decide if they want or not. Not something that gets forced onto them, turning them into an unwilling beta tester.