Expressive Output Window - Beta

Suggestion: add a button to reset your column positioning

Oddly, some of my columns have gotten stuck to the far right and I can’t drag them back. Since the columns are unreasonably narrow, the text wrapping goes absolutely haywire, causing everything else to be spaced apart.

If there’s a way to reset my config manually please let me know.

  • Switching to the legacy console and back won’t affect it
  • Making my console super wide (i’m on 4K) doesn’t affect it
  • Flipping my coffee table (to scare it) won’t affect it

Because of this, my tables aren’t appearing as expected, I hope it gets fixed soon.

I feel like the Source tab shouldn’t make the printed information larger. It should be Truncated if it cannot fit properly.
The Context tab is useless for experienced developers, the color on the left of the print is quite self explanatory, But removing it would be a waste so a setting to get rid of certain tab would be much appreciated.
The design seems to be a bit glitchy because of the weird outline we can see in some part of the UI. Make a flat design should be more efficient and nice to use.

Apart from that, I’ve been using the Expressive output for a while now and one the main complaint about the functionality of it is the lag caused by printing a large portion of the stuff inside the output. But the expandable table is extremely useful when you have large tables that you wanna inspect. It’s the main reason why I’m actively using the output.

For now, the output is broken because of tab overlapping each others and is currently unusable. It’s quite sad, but I need to get back to the original output for debugging now. Looking forward to that being a fully functional feature inside Roblox studio!


Glad output had a good refresh. Fantastic :+1:

Can you click items on the output and it finds it on explorer as I need the output for backdoor scanner and it shows backdoors but I can’t click them to find where it is on the explorer in tried searching on explorer but no results so it would be easy to find an item on the output and it takes you to explorer if the output showing an item that in studio.

I’ve had to disable this as the performance is absolutely atrocious compared to the current output window.

Printing anything causes performance drops which makes testing certain features such as math operations, or even simple diagnoses difficult.

When this, the crashes and the UI issues (column sizes) is fixed, I’ll start using this again.


I’m really loving this new addition and think it will go nicely with development!

However, with that said, there’s a bit of a tink I’m encountering right now and I need some help troubleshooting it.

This is a simple print test, and for somewhat reason it separates the columns way too far away from each other. Did I accidentally click something?

EDIT: I’ve started reading more into this thread and it seems that people are having the same issues. I’m going to revert back to the original output until this gets resolved.

I refuse to use this until these are added/resolved:

  • Performance
  • Ability to toggle columns
  • Ability to minimize the topbar perhaps with an arrow (I don’t need search & these dropdowns all the time)

the only useful features in this for me is search, timestamps, and table printing, everything else is just redundant information and it takes up space. I prefer to have my output in a small window and this clearly was not designed with that in mind.


Im not sure it is supposed to do this. Weird bug.

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You need to add one not option.

I like it, but it’s just too buggy to use


Timestamps were added for normal printed output today. It would be appreciated if they were removed because they’re strange and unnecessary.


Clicking on the three dots in the upper right hand corner now allows you to customize your column layout. Timestamps are removable.


Sorry, I should have specified – I mean in log mode. To my knowledge the timestamps have always been there for print messages in normal mode.

They were just added for Log Mode though, which makes output harder to parse in my opinion:


Well, maybe it’s just me, but why do the logs work bad with the new update?

I can’t make a screenshot, but I can describe what happens:
When I work with the PluginDebugService, and print this:
But then this comes out here:
No matter if log mode or not, I think it is even without PluginDebugService.

I just wanted to ask if anyone has noticed this. Then, idk if this is in relation with the new Output, but now if you are working with tables you noticed too that instead of this:

Now you will find this:
So, is this the fault of the Expressive Output or something other included in the update

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With this Problem, we can‘t read a error message if we have a error! Actually i have a error in my plugin and it is pretty annoying that i cant read the error message. I find, that this can really be annoying if we are developing a game/plugin/Open-Source Module/…

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All these new updates and features are amazing Roblox! This too much for my smooth brain to handle! :love_you_gesture:

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that’s a very human-like output

Hi All - this week’s update includes support for vertical layout! Make the Expressive Output Window smaller and the headers will respond and shrink. You can also customize the visible columns to prioritize messages.

Give it a shot and let us know what you think!


Were any performance improvements made since release?


I appreciate the changes to allow us to hide certain columns – it makes things a lot better for us vertical users.

That said, I’m still going to be sticking to log mode for now because of how large the column on the far left is (the one with the colored symbols in it). It takes up a lot of valuable real estate for no real gain. For reference, here’s the layout of my output, with a couple message I entered as a test:


The Timestamp tab is as far left as it can go, and the Message tab is squeezed pretty close to it as well. Despite that, there’s a lot of space that I simply can’t use because of the colored symbol column.

Compared to Log Mode, where everything has more space to breath: