ExpressWash | Public Handbook
ExpressWash Group
ExpressWash Twitter
Welcome to ExpressWash Public Handbook! |
“Luxurious Wash, clean car.”
Welcome to ExpressWash, we are a luxurious car wash on the ROBLOX platform. ExpressWash is a luxurious car wash, revolutionizing the car wash industry on Roblox! Here at ExpressWash, we strive to present exquisite service, with a touch of luxury. We gladly welcome you on our journey!
Last Updated: 2021-01-03T05:00:00Z
ExpressWash | Resources
This part of the ExpressWash Public Handbook has information for Customers, Staff, MR+, and groups interested with forming an alliance with ExpressWash!
Affiliate Information
ExpressWash is currently looking for alliances. Although, ExpressWash Corporate and our Public Relations have put in mandatory requirements to become an ExpressWash Alliance.
- Your group must have 50+ non-botted group members.
- You have at least 25+ human (non-botted) discord members.
- Your group must have an active discord server, and you group must be fast growing.
More alliance requirements may be input soon.
Rank Informtion
Here at ExpressWash, we have some specifics when it comes to ranks. In this category you will find out more information on Ranks, in addition rank cooldowns.
[Coming Soon]
Session Times
ExpressWash has specific Training Times, but please do keep in mind Shifts may be hosted any time of the day, as long as it obeys our session cooldown.
[Session Times] | Coming Soon
Promotional Guide
[Coming Soon]
ExpressWash Links
In this last part of the ExpressWash public handbook you can find links that are affiliated with ExpressWash! Links such as our games, and group can be found here.
ExpressWash Group
ExpressWash Twitter
ExpressWash Car Wash
ExpressWash Application Center
ExpressWash Training Center
The ExpressWash Corporate hopes this helps you navigate through our group faster and more efficient!