I’m trying to get a line to extend past the mouse to the edge of a table. It works great when the mouse is outside the tables bounds, but when the mouse is on the table, it doesn’t extend as expected
local TABLE_WIDTH = 30
local TABLE_HEIGHT = 60
local TABLE_POSITION = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)
local TABLE_Y = 0
local function isWithinTableBounds(position)
return math.abs(position.X) <= TABLE_WIDTH / 2 and math.abs(position.Z) <= TABLE_HEIGHT / 2
local function clampToTableBounds(position)
local clampedX = math.clamp(position.X, -TABLE_WIDTH / 2, TABLE_WIDTH / 2)
local clampedZ = math.clamp(position.Z, -TABLE_HEIGHT / 2, TABLE_HEIGHT / 2)
return Vector3.new(clampedX, position.Y, clampedZ)
local function getMousePositionOnTable()
local mouseScreenPos = UserInputService:GetMouseLocation()
local mouseRay = Camera:ViewportPointToRay(mouseScreenPos.X, mouseScreenPos.Y)
-- Calculate the intersection with the table plane (y = TABLE_Y)
local direction = mouseRay.Direction
local origin = mouseRay.Origin
local t = (TABLE_Y - origin.Y) / direction.Y
local intersection = origin + direction * t
return intersection
local function getClampedMousePositionOnTable()
local mousePositionOnTable = getMousePositionOnTable()
if isWithinTableBounds(mousePositionOnTable) then -- Extend to table bounds
mousePositionOnTable = Vector3.new(mousePositionOnTable.X * 10, mousePositionOnTable.Y, mousePositionOnTable.Z * 10)
local clampedPosition = clampToTableBounds(mousePositionOnTable)
return clampedPosition
local lineSegment = HUD.Line
local cueBallPosition = workspace["1"].Position
local cueBallScreenPos, onScreen = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(cueBallPosition)
local clampedMousePositionOnTable = getClampedMousePositionOnTable()
local clampedMouseScreenPos = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(clampedMousePositionOnTable)
local originX, originY = cueBallScreenPos.X, cueBallScreenPos.Y
local endPointX, endPointY = clampedMouseScreenPos.X, clampedMouseScreenPos.Y
local origin = Vector2.new(originX, originY)
local endPoint = Vector2.new(endPointX, endPointY)
local netVector = endPoint - origin
local length = math.sqrt(netVector.X ^ 2 + netVector.Y ^ 2)
local midpoint = Vector2.new((origin.X + endPoint.X) / 2, (origin.Y + endPoint.Y) / 2)
local theta = math.deg(math.atan2(originY - endPointY, originX - endPointX))
lineSegment.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(midpoint.X, midpoint.Y)
lineSegment.Rotation = theta
lineSegment.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(length, 6)