Hey everyone when my Inventory gets full of text buttons it doesn’t get bigger on it’s own in my scrolling frame I have a UIgridLayout in my scrollingframe which is located in another scrollingframe
this is located in InventoryGui and i watched tutorials but still… didn’t all work cuz of different set up.
Ok so what you want do is (this assume the scrolling frame scrolls down and up)
go to the scrolling frame and set its AutomaticCanvasSize
Property to Y.
It will now automatically get bigger to fit its children on the Y axis. If it scrolls left and right, instead of setting it to Y, you’d set it to X.
thx for the reply but I tried this like alot but it didn’t work is it because there are two frames in each other like two scrolling frames?
maybe this helps(I got another script)
local InventoryEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.InventoryEvent
local itemFrame = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("ItemsFrame")
InventoryEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(ItemName, Value)
if Value == true then
local ItemButton = script.Parent.ItemsFrame.ItemButton:Clone()
ItemButton.Visible = true
ItemButton.Name = ItemName
ItemButton.Text = ItemName
ItemButton.Parent = itemFrame
local inventoryGui = script.Parent.Parent
local equipFrame = inventoryGui:WaitForChild("EquipFrame")
local equipButton = equipFrame:WaitForChild("EquipButton")
equipFrame.Title.Text = ItemName
equipFrame.Title.Visible = true
equipButton.Visible = true
Hello, I’ve just tried this method myself. I can confirm it does in-fact work!
- Basically, click play on your game and open the shop GUI.
- Then open up your PlayerGui in the side panel
- Set
- You should see it might look weird…
- Edit the sizes of your boxes (If you’ve made a UIGrid, edit the sizes there)
- Once it look about perfect for your use, copy the UI in your PlayerGui
- Press stop in studio and then paste your ui into where it’s usually stored
- Remove all templates
Here is a video on how to do it
DevForum Help Video
before I try it should I use the InventoryFrame or the ItemsFrame cuz I scroll down with?
if the ClassType is a ScrollingFrame then use that frame, you’ll only see the option on the scrolling frame.
If you send over your interface I can have a look for you!
Yo I fixed it because of you’re video it was because there were 2 scrolling frames not a frame nd a scrolling frame
No problem, great to know I helped you! Need anything else? Mention me in your next topic!