Extended BrickColors Plugin

Since tearing up over the tiny brickcolor palette is all the rage nowadays I decided to make a plugin that more than doubles your available colors. These colors won’t work online unless you allow the plugin to insert a script into your StarterGui (it happens automatically when you color a brick).

This is really cool. But that GUI would be even cooler if it organized the colors a bit better. You know, similar tones clumped together.

how did ye do that?


Cool hax. It introduces walk around to the problem, of non used brick colors not replicating.

Good idea. I’ll get on that.

[quote] how did ye do that?

epik. [/quote]
These BrickColors have always been around but they replicate to clients as the closest palette color in order to save data. This saves the real brickcolor inside a StringValue in the part and then a localscript sets the color from the client-side.

Just updated. Made the layout more intuitive, started using IntValues for new colors to save data, now if you change or add an ExtendedBrickColor value during the game the change will be applied to the part so you can easily do that from the server.

Crossroads using new cols:

Does this affect performance at all?

It might slightly affect initial loading times because each part needs an IntValue inside it so that the localscript knows what color to make it, but during regular gameplay there won’t be any difference.

It might slightly affect initial loading times because each part needs an IntValue inside it so that the localscript knows what color to make it, but during regular gameplay there won’t be any difference.[/quote]

I only ask because I’m a little scared to use this with something like a 20,000-30,000 part showcase, only to find that it won’t work and I’ll have to recolor the whole map :#

I’ll play with this and see what happens.

It might slightly affect initial loading times because each part needs an IntValue inside it so that the localscript knows what color to make it, but during regular gameplay there won’t be any difference.[/quote]

I only ask because I’m a little scared to use this with something like a 20,000-30,000 part showcase, only to find that it won’t work and I’ll have to recolor the whole map :#

I’ll play with this and see what happens.[/quote]

You could programmatically give all the parts in one of your games an ExtendedBrickColor IntValue that would be interpreted by the localscript. That way you can easily compare the performance without spending a ton of time coloring.


Here’s something I wrote real quick. Don’t overwrite your save with it lol

[code]local gd = function(o)
local l={}
local s;s=function(p)
for i,v in next, p:GetChildren() do

return l


for i,v in next, gd(workspace) do
if v:IsA’BasePart’ then
local tag=Instance.new’IntValue’

Make sure you manually color something so the localscript gets inserted.