External Server DataStore

How would I setup an external server DataStore? I’ve looked up the topic and all that I’ve come up with is websites, but I have my own website

You could use a VPS (or many other web services) and just send requests to Save/Load data.

Benefit of this is you’re in control of your own data storage; the downside to this is you’re in control of your own data storage :wink:


But, how exactly do I set it up to actually allow me to send data to it?

That’s something you would have to code. I’ve done this using a Node.js app but if you’re asking for someone to provide you with the code and setup I wouldn’t do it, because how will you maintain it or fix it if anything goes wrong?

Stick to DataStores they’re perfectly fine and it’s what 90% of games use.

I just want to use it so I can manage all of the data in one place

You can do that with a Roblox Datastor

Additionally, how do you expect to edit or use the data if you don’t know how to create the system for it? Trust me just stick with DataStores they’re perfectly fine and can do everything you’re looking for.

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