Extreme Colour Block!


I hope everyone’s day is going well! I have made a new colour based game!

Extreme Colour Block is a game where there is a grid of square platforms.

At the beginning of the round they change into a random colour, and a colour is picked.

Everyone has to get to the colour before the timer runs out. Once the timer runs out all platforms that are not the specified colour will disappear, leaving everyone that were on top of them to fall into a massive pit of lava down below.

If you have any free time, may you play it and give me some feed back on the game!

Play here!



how is this different then normal color block? like theres already so many game like that


At the moment, it’s not meant to be. What would make you think it’s supposed to be different?

sorry for the late response.

but it’s called Extreme color block so I thought it would be different.

There’s already so many color block games on Roblox that it’s pointless to make another if you want to be successful.

if your just making it for practice then sure but theres already so many color block games

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Yeah I was just making it for practice, I might add a spin to it at some point, I was just trying to think of a unique name.

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