Extreme latency on 300+ units (~10k ms)

Hello, I am developing an RTS game. The issue I have stumbled is as the unit count increases, so does ping. This is very annoying as the game literally becomes unplayable

In the photos below, there are around 500 units.

Since I don’t exactly know why this is caused (probably because of the mass amounts of parts moving every second), I don’t know what to show as code or what could improve it.

I can provide anything requested though.

Here are some screenshots:



I appreciate any help because this is a quite important topic for me.


Yeah this is killing it:
What you should be looking at it for the server to only send the part CFrame and for the client to model the NPC. This keeps your network replication down to a minimum in an easy to do method.

There are other (better) more complicated and more performant ways of doing this but are not for the faint hearted.

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Make custom replication


Probably use unreliable remotes for this? Im not sure


This is the only solution. Roblox does well when it comes to automatically replicating physics and stuff, but for games where that’s not really that important, you would be way better off creating a custom replication system for your needs.

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What are those more complicated methods? Just curious

The exact methods shown in heburius post

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