Extreme Parkour-ing (Normal obby)

I created an obby game called “Extreme Parkour-ing”, and I need feedback for improve it. Here’s the game.

Please, be honest about the game, I really need sincere feedback so I can improve as a developer. Thanks for any help! Also, I published this game in my other account, so AcidGreenSlime and I are the same person lol


I’m a scripter btw, but not a very good one. This game is also the little few projects I actually want to finish and I’m having fun with. Most of the times I make some project I give up very fast lol

Oh and also sorry if this game looks like freaking backrooms because of its emptyness feeliings! Could you please recomend me a song that I can put in the game? I have been thinking about putting maybe an Undertale’s song.


It’s a very basic obby. I think adding a couple buttons or a starting point/lobby would make it better. I can help you with your english if you want : )


You mean, like that stage of the button but more complex? Also, thanks for the feedback! I’ll try to make the starting point too. Oh and, was there any gramatical issue on my topic? Sorry about that lol


I mean have a starting point, or a big platform. You get thrown into the obby. You didn’t have any grammatical problems, I was just offering to help you if you want.


Ohhh I misunderstood sorry XD Good to hear I didn’t have grammatical problems, although I didn’t type “Grammatical” properly before lol. Thanks for the feedback again! What do you think about the levels? Are they very easy? or hard? How could I improve them? or are they fine?


Theyre ok. I would increasingly increase the difficulty of the obby. Try to use difficulty chart obbys as examples.


Oh, ok! Thanks again! Do you think that putting a difficulty chart is a very good idea? Idk I kinda feel like a lot of obbies uses them, so my obby wouldn’t look so unique. Maybe to fix this I’d have to make the obby more hard, so it is actually hard and a bit more different. But yeah, my obby is not so different but I like working on it anyways.


Maybe spice it up with a different theme of a dco.


New update
I added a lobby, a new stage and some goofy song I’ll change later. I also added a panel to select a level for testing purposes (It is available for anyone, but I’ll remove it soon)

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Bump. 123 views and only 2 users :confused: bruh


I made a new update! Looking for more feedback

I liked your thumbnails and icon but if I’m gonna be honest, your game feels empty and dull and the song just makes it look even sadder. I got bored 2 minutes in and quit because theres just not enough detail and the gameplay is too generic. I’d suggest adding more colour to the game and making each stage more unique and fun. Also a more upbeat song would be nice. Great effort though and Goodluck with your next update! sorry if its a bit harsh but i think you need to hear this in order to really improve

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Here’s what NOT to add. Separate yourself from the cash grabbing games by not including things like a gravity coil behind a paywall, or a playground at the end with those items. Don’t add pets either. If I were to make something like this, I’d make each section give you a certain amount of points. The harder the section, the more points you get. I’d also implement a rebirth system, which would increase your earnings by a percentage. With those points, maybe spend it on minigames against other players, with the chance of winning it all. Your source of income could be from people buying points. Then I’d make a shop and a marketplace. The shop would be a way to get obtainable cosmetics (retire certain cosmetics every so often, while adding new ones). As soon as a cosmetic is retired, it can then be traded via the market place, where people can make listings for it in exchange of points. If you want more earnings, you can make a premium currency that’s obtainable only by crates if you implement them, daily streaks, or buying them with robux. Make some cosmetics that can only be obtained using those. Then, when they retire, they’ll be extra rare. Boom, now your parkour game is completely separate from the others. I would’ve kept that idea to myself, but I’m not making an obby, as it would look bad on my portfolio, so I’ll just send it here. Enjoy! (If you start earning robux from this idea, a little credit in the description for the idea would be nice :P)

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Thanks for being honest! I’ll try to make it better and funnier. Also, the song is just a placeholder ik it sucks idk if you have any song to recomend me?

Hello! Yeah I don’t want to make my game a cashgrab, thanks for that whole idea too! Maybe I’ll try to implement it, though, this game is just for practicing and improving my scripting and building skills as I have a game that I want to create but I want to be prepared before developing it. Thanks again.