I am getting a lot of errors related to assets failing to load in my game. Also in the graph it looks way higher than the number that is reported.
As you can see in the image above the highest amount of errors is 400k, I don’t think it should add up to 12 million.
This is the game:
It would be helpful if I had a way to silence these failing to load errors as well since it makes it hard to find the errors I need to fix.
Found someone to check this out! We’ll get back here when we have an update.
Hi @reddiamondshield, our creator analytics team is looking into the number mismatch. However, do you need help figuring out why the errors with the highest counts are happening?
As you can see in the image above the highest amount of errors is 400k, I don’t think it should add up to 12 million.
Hi! The count is the sum across all of table entries. There are 500+ pages so it’s likely to add up to a count that’s much larger than the most frequent error log.
It would be helpful if I had a way to silence these failing to load errors as well since it makes it hard to find the errors I need to fix.
There isn’t a way to exclude these log messages from the page right now. Agree that it’ll be useful, we’ll look into this. Thanks for the feedback!
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Yes, I don’t really know why the failed to load sound and meshcontentprovider errors are happening. I assume maybe the free sounds I am using take up too much memory or something but I’m not sure.
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(this is under the assumption a page is 25 errors)
I just tried adding up the numbers and I got around 1.7 mil for the first 20 pages that I have access too. I rounded up since I only counted the first page and then multiplied the count of the 26th most frequent error by 500.
The 500th error has a frequency of 37 so even if there are 500 more pages with a size of 25 that would be about 462500 more errors. My graph is showing me 9 million though which seems higher than expected
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Following up on this again, are you still seeing these sound and meshcontentprovider errors happening often?
Yes, mainly sound. Also it seems the mismatch fixed, a bunch of warnings weren’t being shown before.
Over what time period is this? The sound errors will always happen intermittently due to temporary server side latency increases.
I’m not sure if you can help with this (I’ll probably be told to make another bug report) but there’s another error relating to a failure on Roblox’s end that fills up my error logs:
Players::onRemoteSysStats disconnect not in the clist
It seems to occur when a player joins and leaves super fast. Would appreciate if this error could be silenced; we shouldn’t really be getting warnings in the console relating to this.
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Hi, could you help create another bug report for this so I can assign it to the right team? Thanks!
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