Extremely poor UX when reaching rate-limit for reporting assets

Currently if you submit many reports in a short time-frame you will then start to recieve a 429 error screen when selecting “report”; this message is simply a JSON response and does not contain any useful page to the user, there is also no way for the user to determine when they would be allowed to try to report the asset again and the cooldown time appears to be excessively long. Without using the browser’s back button you’d also lose your entire report description.

The error message:

System Information:
CPU: Intel(R) Core™ i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz

Device Info:
Platform Type: PC
Device Type: Computer

Expected behavior

I expect my report to succeed; there shouldn’t be a strict rate-limit for reporting assets because it is common that a user will come across multiple related assets that need to be reported all at once. Implementing a strict rate-limit on the endpoint leads users to either using alt accounts to report the extra assets (not ideal) or forget to report the other assets (certainly not ideal)

A private message is associated with this bug report


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

Hey @Abcreator thanks for flagging the reporting issue. We enforced a rate limit at 6/min per user by design so this is expected to see the 429 too many requests error. You should be able to submit more reports after waiting for a min. For UX, we have documented your ask internally will prioritize accordingly. Thanks again for submitting reports to make Roblox a safer place!

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