context: I wrote an extremely simple script to try and spin a lever model around, but literally nothing moved the model. I then thought to try and backtrack and simply move the primary part, when i noticed:
why does the function stop running after line 5?? and even weirder, why does line 5 appear as line 2 in the output???
could this be related to me not opening roblox studio in the past month and it missing an update while updating or something? or is it related to the model/primarypart itself?
actually not sure if lines in a function are always just numbered from the beginning of the function, but im pretty sure they’re supposed to be numbered like they are on the left side, right…??
p.s. your script stops running after line 5 because you’re trying to print an instance (LevelModel.PrimaryPart). Small typo I assume, since you want the Position of that PrimaryPart as in line 8.
alright, im just extremely not smart, i just realised all the hitbox parts around the lever model contained click detectors that cloned between them when i was modelling this and was printing from a different script once clicked rather than the model script… thanks for your help though @catalinprooo as this would have also worked