Extrememly Low FPS when moving, rotating or scaling parts

I’m attempting to move singular parts in Roblox Studio, any instance, no matter how big or small, lags when being moved, rotated or scaled in any way.

When I don’t move and I am just moving the camera around, I get a normal 60 fps.

I have attached a video so you can see my current problem.
I also have FRAPS open so my FPS is visible.

I certainly have a good computer, and monitoring via Task Manager nothing appears to be struggling.

My studio edit quality is also set to Level 1, whereas normally I can edit perfrectly on Level 21.
It is also just this place which happens, I have also attempted to move certain selections of the game to ServerStorage to reduce the amount of visible objects to render, however this makes no difference.

Parts: 29 553
Voxels: 229 688
Instances: 70 141

Any ideas of what I could try to increase performance and/or resolve the Low FPS when moving instances inside Roblox Studio?


I can also vouch for this.

I started noticing this happen about a week ago.


One thing to add on, the longer/larger the part is on any axis the laggier it gets.

It seems duplicating the part you are trying to move and scaling it smaller seems to lag less.

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I find this problem when I am messing with a part around a large number of other parts. I believe this is a problem with the Roblox engine and it just stressing itself out. I haven’t found a fix for it yet though so…


Again, same here, never had this problem before, even on bigger projects and all of a sudden, this starts happening.

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I don’t feel that there is a solution to this as Roblox Studio in general is extremely unoptimized around a large concentration of parts in one place.

In terms of a way to help the lag: Duplicate the part you are trying to move, and make it smaller, it seems to happen on larger parts.

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Almost 3 years late, but if someone is still having this issue just like I was, I found a way to remove most of the lag. Try holding the Tab button to summon handles and then use those instead of the normal ones to move the parts. It is not a full fix, but it works.

(Video shows difference)


When i move a large amount of parts (not even physically, just from place to place in the folder tree), my studio will crash. I too have a good PC. Any help?

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Sorry for the late reply but I have found a solution

You can get the part/model inside an accessory, and move that accessory without having any lag.