Ez NPC | MMO NPC System Handler

Heyo! :wave:
I dont know if this has already been asked…but is there a way to have a specific spawner spawn a specific mob?

I saw in the MobData module that it spawned a specific quantity on a specific spawner, but there was no option to make a specific mob spawn on a specific spawner

Hopefully this makes sense :joy:

Hey, you need to create your own NPC and then store it. Upon storing it in the correct folder, you’ll need to create a new npc if (usually the name) and then add the data into the module. Once you’ve done that you can add a spawner and name it after that unique npc and set the spawning quantity to 1. For more of a example take a a look at the place file provided. If you have any other questions let me know.

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It would be nice to see enemies with bows/ranged weapons added.


Which module?
Do i duplicate MobData and change this module.Dummy = { to the npc name?
The place file doesnt have anything for multiple different npc’s

no, just add your npc like
module.Dummy = { DATA } – Original
module.Daniel = { DATA } – Your NPC

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also can I ask you what this is for?

	Data = {
		Example = "Hi!",
		StackedExampled = {
			StatsBro = 5,
			ACFrame = CFrame.new(0,0,0),

I dont really know what its for…

if u do this

	Data = {
		Quest = "DUMMY",
		GainOnKill = {
			EXP = 5,
			Cash = 10,

kill script

local human = hit.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
if human.Health < 1 then
    player.Data.EXP.Value =  hit.Parent.Data.GainOnKill.EXP.Value + player.Data.EXP.Value
    player.Data.Cash.Value =  hit.Parent.Data.GainOnKill.Cash.Value + player.Data.Cash.Value
    if player.Data.Quest.Value == hit.Parent.Data.Quest.Value then
        player.Data.QuestAmount.Value += player.Data.QuestAmount.Value

Just tried and the NPCs seem to be broken? They detect my player at all distances and follow relentlessly lol

Could you show me your settings?

I just tested it in the example place and get the same thing. It’s just the default settings throughout

Hey, so this is actually a fairy old module but I believe you need to change the Aggressive property to false (it was true by default to test I believe)

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Nice but how would I make it so that the shoot gums instead of coming up to you and attack you?

You can increase the AttackRange and add a custom attack function to cast rays or whatever method for the projectile and create your own Hitbox.

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Yeah my bad I didn’t realize this module is a bit older. Changing the aggressive setting only made the NPC not attack at all, they still hunt from any distance. I have looked to see why this is happening and can’t find anything.

It should make the AI attack upon damaging them. To change the distance eyou should edit the SeekRange property.

Yeah that’s the issue I have been having. I set my SeekRange to 5 just to test and they still chase the character as soon as they spawn from any distance. I noticed SeekRange is only used when checking for the closest character but isn’t actually used in the function anywhere.

I did change the code for the Distance variable but this problem was happening since before that.

Edit: So just seems to be that this is always returning a closest character regardless of how far they are. So as long as the NPC is in the world and not ReplicatedStorage, they always have a target to chase.

Oop, perhaps I forgot to use the value. I’ll look to update it if I can. I did happen to make a separate AI module that I currently am actively using in my game (so it’s updated frequently so I haven’t really made any posts about it). If you’re looking to use one you can take a look at this. Unfortunately there isn’t any documentation but you could mess around and possibly figure it out (it’s rather similar to this one in setup).

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Planning to work on a small scale RPG
Wanted to use those kits as I got totally no scripting knowledge and I’m unable to get any scripter for my project (lack of funds and I hate bossing people around)

Thanks to this NPC handler, I just decided to give it a try, making my own without using kits.
Thank you for your work.

Will probably come back when I get some issues

Edit :
Seems like the range thingy is kind of broken, when aggressive they chase the nearest player no matter if they see him or not
When the NPC is outside of streamed range, they dissapear which is good, but once you come back they just drop to the floor

Try this one out, it’s a bit more complex and has other features but this one I am actively using so I can assure you there are less bugs. I currently don’t have time to update this one but I will when I get the chance.

Yep, messing around with that one.
Doesn’t seems to have an aggressive state for mobs tho or maybe I missed something ?
And about the whole combat part… how do you recommend doing it with your module?

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