EzLight - Easy way of making cool lights scenes! [OPEN SOURCE]

So I was looking through devforum and saw a post of his new plugin which was paid so I decided to make a free alternative for you guys!

I can’t confirm it’s as good as Elttob’s plugin, but it should be pretty close.

Easy way of making cool lights scenes!
with following tools and shortcuts!

[R] Sun = Use the sun as your light source.
[T] Moon = Use the moon as your light source.
[Z] Direct = Move the light source with your cursor.
[X] Line = Create a line that shadows will follow.,
[C] Bounce = Create a reflection at your cursor.
[V] Face = Create a reflection on a face.
[B] Shadow = Move shadows with your cursor.
Theme = Change between dark and light theme.
Accent = Change color of the ui.,
Shortcuts = Enable/Disable plugin shortcuts,
Hide = Enable/Disable ui hiding when out of reach.

Plugin Link

For anybody who wishes to create their own version here is the plugin.
Ezlight Source.rbxm (36.6 KB)


It would be nice if you could show a video of the plugin in action, or a comparison of the two plugins.


It works exactly the same as Elttob’s one.
Although I might record one later.


Yes but not everyone knows eltoob’s plugin and it would be hard to understand what you have made here.


No, this is not direspectful at all. OP here is not stealing the creation of Elttob but rather, just posting an alternative that is inspired from Elttob’s creation. If you think that it is direspectful then you are indirectly saying that most plugins on Roblox are simply disrespectful, no matter if they are paid or free.


no, the creation itself wasn’t stolen, that is not what i said. I deliberately said that the concept of it was stolen and recreated.

If you think that it is disrespectful then you are indirectly saying that most plugins on Roblox are simply disrespectful, no matter if they are paid or free.

that is not correct, I think it’s disrespectful to recreate this plugin / make an alternative to it when it isn’t superior to it’s counterpart. especially considering that the original is paid.


Yeah, I have to defend this statement as well.

If you can’t pay for the plugin, for whatever reason, Elttob is literally promising that you’ll still be able to get it some way. Please, if you’re unable to buy the proper plugin, fill it out instead of making ripoffs.


I do find it personally scummy to copy an idea off of someone just because people are mad that it’s paid now.


I’d love to see a video of this plugin. Part of the reason people buy Elttob plugins is that the UI and UX of the plugins is always outstanding.


I’ve checked the plugin for copied code by the way. There doesn’t seem to be anything infringing, or really much of anything at all. Not even undo support or even support for moving the camera. But it’s at least something that someone legitimately built, though it’s hard to speak to whether it’s been tested that much or whether there’s any real commitment to this other than to “undermine” what I created.

Which - okay yes, let’s talk about that. This is disrespectful. Incredibly so. In economics parlance, this is known as “predatory pricing” and it’s a tactic used to offensively drive others out of business. It involves selling - or even giving away stuff - below cost. I’d point you to the example of Amazon getting Diapers.com shut down by massively undercutting them to an unsustainable degree.

That’s exactly what this is, and we should not normalise this in our culture. If people want to have tools to work with at all, then it’s time to cut this sort of behaviour out, because you will drive everyone away. Be inspired if you’d like. Go forth and make whatever tools you please. But don’t do it with a gun pointed at somebody. That’s more than a dick move - that’s selling everyone else’s future for your immediate gain.

Anyway, if anyone does want an actual free version of my plugin, then Access Anywhere is here. As a bonus, you’ll actually be helping to unlock the Creator Store for more people, rather than putting others down.


I already knew something like this was going to happen.

haha you legend


I’m hoping other creators follow suit personally because it’s a brilliant idea if people don’t exploit it


The exploitation countermeasure I have is that:

  • every application is tied to an email address
  • the keys are generated at the end of the month

So if there’s a bunch of bots or spam, then they can be filtered out, and generally I can clean up the distribution so the software can be distributed as fairly as possible.

If this succeeds I’ll likely turn this into a proper pipeline and give it away to other creators, because it’s a really good idea in my mind too. These people can’t pay you anyway, and even if they could, they’re probably from someplace where the economics look more difficult. So better to build goodwill than to try and maximise profit extraction like some soulless corporate machine.


Thanks for the kind words. I’m trying my best!


I kind of agree and disagree with your take on this.

If he had simply posted this for what it is (and described what it does, which I’m still not even sure what his or yours does) then I think it would be valid and fair since he was able to create the code independently. If the product is inferior to yours, then there is still value in your product.

However, the way he has presented this is just wrong and despicable. Your name/product is referenced many times . He couldn’t even be bothered to describe what it does other than you say it does what yours does!

I mean really? What the…

I don’t even believe what I’m seeing…


Yeah I don’t mean to say things like this shouldn’t be built, but there is absolutely a line between inspiration and this sort of thing.


Added ChangeHistory
Improved Bounce Tool
Improved UI


this is roblox :scream: its a wild west :sob: most games are stolen, either from other games on the platform :face_exhaling: or from other games outside of roblox its self, AND THEY ARE SO MANY EXAMPLES FOR EACH, :laughing: many other games outside of the platform cost money :sunglasses: so on roblox you can just play the spin off :face_with_hand_over_mouth: why is this disrespectful thing or whatever now a problem. pretty sure bro didnt even mean it like that :sad:


I sure do love it when trash clones try to affect other people’s hard work. It’s nice seeing somebody taking care of something like this.

But keep up the good and original work elttob, and don’t let clone plugins ruin your work!

Also I just want to say that I really love the website you worked on.


Improved UI
Improved ShadowTool


Reworked UI and QoL Changes
UI is better than ever and with it comes following improvements!

  • You can now hide at top of screen and this can be disabled/enabled on settings.

  • Added shortcuts to improve your workflow these can be seen through holding your mouse on top of button for tooltip.

  • You can change color of UI through settings.

  • Light Mode.