EzLockOn - Fully typed optimized lock on for fighting games

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Ever wanted lock on feature like in popular battlegrounds games? Well, EzLockOn is a very perfomant and customizable way to implement lock on feature to your fighting game.

local Lock = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Lock"))
--Starts the module
Tips/How to use

Inside the module you can find settings module


--//[[Main Settings]]\\--

--Self explanotory[Default = 75]
ActivationKeys = {Enum.KeyCode.X, Enum.KeyCode.V};
--Self explanotory[Default = 75]
LockOnFieldOfView = 75;
--Self explanotory[Default = 50]
RayDistance = 50;
--Easing style of camera movement[Default = Enum.EasingStyle.Sine]
EasingStyle = Enum.EasingStyle.Sine;
--Self explanotory[Default = Vector3.new(3, 3.5, 5)]
LockOnCameraOffset = Vector3.new(3, 3.5, 5);

--//[[Misc Settings]]\\--

--Self explanotory[Default = true]
BillboardGUIEnabled = true;
--Self explanotory[Default = false]
BillboardGUIRotation = false;

Also inside the module you can find LockBillboardUI, you can edit the image inside of it or with ```
BillboardGUIRotation set to false create your own custom crosshairs with frames and everything else that your mighty soul want.


  • Auto disabling Lock On when died (both characters main and targeted one)
  • Highly customizeable settings
  • Optimized tracking/script use managment

testplace.rbxl (70,3 КБ)

Or click on image to get module



  • Added LockOnCameraOffset setting
1 Like

Great Resource! Unfortunately, I wasnt able to get it working.

I had a Model, with a part inside of it that had a humanoid.

Required and did the .start() method.

Not working, no errors too

do you know why?

Did you press buttons listed in your config while hovering your mouse over the target?

Also it can be that module targets the Head object:

AHHHH OKAY, i didnt check.

Is there a test place i could use? it would be easier for people to set this up if so.

Also im going to implement smooth camera motion instead so its not as jittery.

testplace.rbxl (70,3 КБ)

Can you include it in the post? Only if youd like of course

If you’re interesed i just released fixer for blurry accessories:

Yeah i actually just got that model, seems really useful for the garbage roblox is pulling on the r6 avater.

(Literally why, its your most iconic feature.)